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part of Great Britain, called England, for one year, beginning the 25th day of March, 1772, be defrayed out of the monies arising by the land tax, granted for the service of the year 1772.

1. That towards raising the support granted to his majesty, the sum of 1,800,000l. be raised by loans or exchequer bills, to be charged upon the first aids to be granted in the next session of parliament; and such exchequer bills, if not discharged, with interest thereupon, on or before the fifth day of April, 1773, to be exchanged and received in payment, in such manner as exchequer bills have usually been exchanged and received in payment.

2. That out of the produce of the funds established by three acts of parliament, made in the thirty-second year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the second, and in the second and fifth years of the reign of his present majesty, for augmenting the salaries of the judges in England, Scotland, and Wales, after satisfying the several annual payments already charged thereupon, there be issued and applied the annual sum of 1700l. for making good the supply granted to his majesty, for augmentation of the salaries of the justices of Chester, and of the great sessions for the counties of Wales.

That the sum of 400,000l. which, by an act made in the ninth year of his present majesty's reign, intitled, "An act for carrying into execution certain proposals made by the East-India company, for the payment of the annual sum of four hundred thousand pounds, for a limited time, in respect of the territorial acquisitions and revenues lately obtained in the East-Indies," is directed to be paid within the present year into the receipt of his majesty's exchequer, by the said company, be applied towards making good the supply granted to his majesty.

1. That, towards making good the supply granted to his majesty, there be issued and applied the sum of 805,3981l. 13s. 2d. remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer, on the fifth day of April 1772, for the disposition of Parliament, of the monies which had then arisen, of the surpluses, excesses, and overplus monies, and other revenues, of the fund commonly called the sinking fund.

2. That towards making good the supply granted to his majesty a sum not exceeding 138,090l. 5s. 10d. out of the savings arising upon the grant for the pay of an augmentation to his majesty's land forces for the year 1771, be applied towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majesty's land forces, and other services incurred, to the 20th day of February 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

3. That towards making good the supply granted to his majesty, a sum not exceeding 36,772l. 10s. out of the savings arising upon the sum voted in the account of extraordinaries in the year 1770, for levy-money for the said augmentation, be applied towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majesty's land forces, and other services incurred, to the 20th day

For the YEAR 1772.     [215

of February 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

4. That, towards making good the supply granted to his majesty, a sum not exceeding 1,863l. 13s. 10d. out of the savings arising upon grants for the difference between British and Irish pay of the 64th and 65th regiments of foot, from the first day of September to the 24th day of December 1768, be applied towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majesty's land forces, and other services incurred, to the 20th of February 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

5. That towards making good the supply granted to his majesty, a sum not exceeding 40,000l. out of the savings arising upon the grants for the pay of reduced officers of land forces and marines, from the 25th day of June 1757, to the 24th of December 1768, be applied towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majesty's land forces, and other services incurred, to the 20th day of February 1772, and not provided for by parliament.

MAY 2.
1. That any person of persons, bodies politick or corporate, possessed of, interested in, or intitled unto, any annuities, being part of the captial or joint stock of 3l. per cent. annuities, consolidated by several acts of parliament, of the 25th, 28th, 29th, 32d, and 33d years of the reign of George the second, and several subsequent acts, which were made payable and transferrable at the Bank of England; or of the annuities consolidated by the acts of the 25th of George the second, and 5th of George the third, called reduced annuities, also payable and transferrable there; or of certain 3l. per cent. annuities, which are payable and transferrable at the South Sea house, called old South Sea annuities and new South Sea annuities; or of 3l. per cent annuities, payable in respect of 2,100,000l. granted by an act of the 24th year of the reign of George the second, for the service of the year 1751; who, on or before the 15th day of this instant May, and before the sum subscribed shall amount to 1,500,000l. shall subscribe their names, or signify their consent to  accept, in lieu of their interest in any part of the said principal or captial stock standing in their names, and in full satisfaction and discharge thereof, the sum of 90l. in money for every 100l. and in that proportion for any greater or less sum or sums, composing one or more intire sum or sums of 100l. 50l. or 25l. of such principal or capital stock, one moiety thereof to be paid on or before the 15th day of July next, and the other moiety on or before the 20th day of October next, together with the interest due on the whole capital stock so subscribed to the 5th day of July next, shall, for every 100l. principal or capital stock, as aforesaid, so subscribed, be intitled to receive four tickets, in a lottery, to consist of 60,000 tickets, at the rate of 12l. 10s. each (and in that proportion for any greater or less sum) the said tickets to be paid for in manner following; that is to say, that every person or persons, bodies politick or corporate, so subscribing, or signifying his, her, or their consent as aforesaid, shall, on or before the 15th day of this instant May, make a deposit of 1l. in re
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