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spect of the money to be paid for each ticket, as a security for making the future payments, to the cashiers of the Bank of England, on or before the times herein after limited; that is to say, for and in respect of every such ticket, 2l. on or before the 19th day of June next; 3l, on or before the 22d of July next; 3l. on or before the 21st of August next; 3l. los. on or before the 2d day of October next: that, upon such payments being completed, tickets shall be delivered, as soon as the same can be prepared, to the persons intitled thereto: that the sum of 600,000l. shall be distributed into prizes, for the benefit of the proprietors of the fortunate tickets in the said lottery, which prizes shall be paid at the Bank of England, in Money, to such proprietors, upon demand, on the first day of March 1773, or as soon after as certificates can be prepared, without any deduction whatsoever; and that all the monies to be received by the said cashiers shall be paid into the receipt of his majesty's exchequer, to be applied, from time to time, to such services as shall then have been voted by this house in this session of parliament; and every person or persons, bodies politick or corporate, so possessed of, interested in, or intitled to, any of the said annuities, and so subscribing as aforesaid, shall have a certificate, from the said cashiers of the governor and company of the Bank of England, of the amount of the principal or capital stock by them respectively subscribed, and of all such sum and sums of money as he, she, or they, shall be intitled to receive, in consideration of such their subscription, and in lieu and in discharge of his,
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her, or their capital stock, so subscribed; and the holders or bearers of such certificates shall be paid, at the Bank of England, the several sums of money expressed in such certificates, together with interest after the rate of 3l. per cent. per annum on the capital stock so subscribed, in the manner, and at the times, herein before described: that, upon payment of such sum or sums of money, with such interest, the whole of the principal or capital stock so subscribed shall stand discharged, and be annihilated; and the annuity payable in the respect thereof shall, from the said 5th day of July 1772, cease and be extinguished.
2. That books be opened, at the Bank of England, for receiving such subscription and consent; and that, during the two first days on which such subscriptions and consent are to be received, no one person body politick or corporate, be admitted to subscribe, or signify his, her, or their consent, for any sum or sums, amounting in the whole to more than 10,000l. principal or capital stock.
3. That, towards raising the supply granted to his majesty, there be issued and applied the sum of 1,856,723l. 1s.  2d.  out of such monies as shall or may arise, of the surpluses, excesses, or overplus monies, and other revenues, composing the fund commonly called the sinking fund.
4. That a sum, not exceeding 20,000l. out of such monies as shall be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer on or before the 5th day of April 1773, of the produce of all or any of the duties and revenues, which, by any act or acts of parliament, have been directed to
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For the YEAR  1772.                [217
be reserved for the disposition of parliament, towards defraying the necessary expences of defending, protecting, and securing, the British colonies and plantations in America, be applied towards making good such part of the supply as hath been granted to his majesty, for maintaining his majesty's forces and garisons in the plantations, and for provisions for the forces in North America, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Ceded Islands, for the year 1772.
5. That such of the monies as shall be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer, after the 5th day of April 1772, and on or before the 5th day April 1773, of the produce of the duties charged by an act of parliament, made in the 5th year of his majesty's reign, upon the importation and exportation of 
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gum senega and gum arabic, be applied towards making good the supply granted to his majesty.
May 11.
1. That, towards making good the fully granted to his majesty, there be applied the sum of 21,710l. remaining in the receipt of the exchequer on the 5th day of April 1772, being the surplus of deductions of six-pence in the pound, out of all monies paid upon all salaries, pensions, annuities, and other payments from the crown, after satisfying the annuities or other charges then due and payable out of the same.
2. That, towards making good the supply granted to his majesty, there be applied the sum of 10,426l. 9s 3d. remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer, for the disposition of parliament.

By the resolution of Feb. 4.  _________  750000  0  0
By that of Feb. 6.  ____          _____ 1500000  0  0
By that of Feb. 11.  _____       ______  136416  0  8
By that of Feb. 20.              ______   55192  6 11
By the first of April 2.     ________   1800000  0  0
By that of April 6.  _______      _____  400000  0  0
By the first of April 14.    _________   805398 13  2
By the second of ditto  ____      ____   138090  5 10
By the third of ditto   _____    _____    36772 10  0
By the fourth of ditto ______     ____     1863 13 10
By the fifth of ditto ______     ____     40000  0  0
By the first of May 2   ____    ______   150000  0  0
By the third of ditto      _______      1856723  1  2
By the fourth of ditto      _______       20000  0  0
By the first of May 11. ______  _______   21710  0  0
By the second of ditto      ________      10426  9  3
                                         ______ ______
Sum total of such provisions as can be ascertained 
                                         7722593 0  11 1/4
                                         _______ _________
Excess of the provisions      __________  536339 17 11 1/4


Transcription Notes:
Note to reviewer: the text has many instances where an s is replaced by an f so it appears to be misspellings in the transcription. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 10:29:57 The symbol similar to an "f" in place of what would normally be an "s" is actually the older script method of writing an "s". ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 11:21:50 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 13:51:12 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 15:33:17