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able claims on the unhappy Poland: a plan of indemnification, the actual and effectual seizure of equivalents are avowed.

The strict attention of the king and republic to fulfil all their engagements with these powers; the laws of good neighbourhood, so religiously observed by Poland; the manner so friendly and full of regard, in which the king has represented, on so many occasions, the different subjects of complaint he has unfortunately had against his neighbours; the present situation of Poland, so worthy in all respects of the compassion of generous and sensible minds: all should have secured to him the return of mutual good-will, and protected him for ever from enterprizes, so injurious to his rights, and the legality of his possessions.

The rights of the Republic to all her provinces, have every possible mark of solidity and authenticity.  An uninterrupted possession of many ages, avowed and maintained by the most solemn treaties, and particularly by those of Velaw and Olivia, guarrantied by the house of Austria, by the crowns of France, England, Spain, and Sweden; by the treaty of 1686, with Russia; by the express and recent declarations of this last power; by those of Prussia in 1764; and lastly, by treaties with the house of Austria, still in full force and vigour:——on these foundations the rights of the Republic are grounded.

The court of Warsaw contents itself with barely pointing them out at present, reserving the right of supporting them, by proofs more ample and particular in time and place.

What title can the three powers oppose to these? If they are titles dug out of the obscurity of ancient times, of those times of sudden and momentary revolutions, which erected and destroyed, ceded and restored states in the short space of a few months or years; these titles, if admitted, would re-unite to the kingdom of Poland many provinces, which formerly belonged to it, but have for many years been occupied by the very powers who now form pretensions on her.

But as it is undeniable, that not only transactions buried in the oblivion of distant ages, but all transactions whatever, are annihilated by subsequent stipulations; as all the later stipulations between Poland and her neighbours oppose directly the partition they now would make, it follows, that the titles, on which that partition is founded, cannot be admitted, without undermining the rights of every state, without shaking every throne from its foundation.

The very powers, who declare, that the situation of Poland will not permit them to obtain justice in the ordinary ways of proceedings, cannot be ignorant, that its present situation is accidental and momentary; that it is in their own power to change it.  Their consent alone is wanting to restore the Republic to the free and lawful exercise of its independent sovereignty.  That would be the time to produce and examine their claims.  This is the method of proceeding, which the king had a right to demand from the equity of the three courts; which he could not but expect to be adopted, relying on the letter written to him by the Empress-Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, on the 28th of January, 1771.

But the present proceedings of



For the YEAR 1772.

the three courts, giving the most serious subject of complaint to the king; and the duties of his crown not permitting him to be silent on this occasion, he declares in the most solemn manner, that he looks upon the actual seizure of the provinces of Poland by the courts of Vienna, Petersburgh, and Berlin, as unjust, violent, and contrary to his lawful rights: he appeals to the treaties, and powers guarantees of his kingdom and its appurtenances.  And lastly, full of confidence in the justice of the Almighty, he lays his rights at the feet of the eternal throne; and puts his cause into the hands of the King of kings, the supreme Judge of nations: and in the full assurance of his succour, he protests solemnly, and before the whole universe, against every step taken, or to be taken, towards the dismembering of Poland.

Given at Warsaw, Oct. 17th, 1772.

signed by the Great Chancellors of Poland and Lithuania.

Declaration of the Imperial Minister at the Court of Warsaw.

HER majesty, the Empress-Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, has seen, with unspeakable astonishment, the little impression made by the declaration presented to his Polish majesty by the underwritten, and the ministers from Petersburgh and Berlin, in order to accelerate a definite arrangement between the Republic and the three neighbouring powers, touching the pretensions formed by the said powers on Poland; pretensions, which the essential interests of their crowns will not permit them to expose to the hazard of future contingencies, and of those troubles, with which Poland has at all times been agitated.

The justice and dignity of the three courts prescribe bounds to their moderation: this truth can neither escape the discernment of his Polish majesty, nor be indifferent to his heart, if the cries of his country have preserved their influence there.

Her majesty, Empress-Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, hopes therefore, that the king will not expose his kingdom to events, which must be the consequences of his delay to assemble a diet, and enter on a negociation, which alone can save his country, restore vigour to the constitution of the Republic, which has received so many, and so dangerous shocks; and terminate the evils, to which private interest, ambition, hatred, and dissensions have given rise.

Done at Warsaw, Dec. 4th, 1772.


NOTE.  The minister from Petersburgh and Berlin, delivered the next day each a declaration in the same words.

Answer of the Court of Warsaw to the preceding piece.

IN answer to the declaration of the courts of Vienna, Petersburgh, and Berlin, the underwritten have orders to inform the ministers of the said courts, that the king being informed of their desires, respecting the convocation of 
a dyet,

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