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60 ANNUAL REGISTER For the YEAR 1772. 61

it, by scratching a hole in it," adding, he would think of some name that began with a B," and immediately filled it up with anks, and then gave it to Jesson. This person discounted it with Mr. Cardineaux, and Bolland being asked, upon receiving the cash, who this Banks was, replied, "he was a publican or victualler, and lived in or near Rathbone-place." Before the note became due, the drawer (Bradshaw) was a bankrupt; upon which Jesson, meeting Bolland at the Sword-blade coffeehouse, faid to him, "That note of 100l. of Bradshaw, which I got Mr. Cardineaux to discount for you, will not be paid, for Bradshaw is in the paper to-day, he is a bankrupt; you must take care of it against which it becomes due. In answer to which Bolland replied, "What note - is my name to it?" "No, (returned Jesson) your name was upon it; but Banks's name is now upon it, you stood in his shoes, and must take care of it.- You know Mr. Lilburne was present, and you must take care of it." Bolland then said, "Indeed he knew nothing of it, nor should be." "Very well, (resumed Jesson) then I will let Mr. Cardineaux immediately know of the transaction." In consequence of Mr. Cardineaux's being informed of all the circumstances of this affair, and meeting Bolland at the Hamburgh coffeehouse, he said to B. "that bill I discounted for you will not be paid;" to which B. replied, with an air of astonishment, "What Bill!" Mr. Cardineaux then told him, "The Bill I discounted for you at the Rainbow coffee-house, Covent-Garden:" to which Bolland boldly and fatally said, "I never discounted a bill with you, Sir, you mistake me, my name is James Bolland, I never saw you in my life, nor you have no bill with my endorsement."
Mr. Cardineaux being thus irritated, the affair became serious, and too late Bolland paid the money for the note. All Bolland said in his own defence upon his trial, was, "I never in my life forged with an intent to cheat or defraud any person in the world. Please to ask Mr. Cardineaux, when he applied to me, if I did not desire him to prove his debt under Bradshaw's commission, and I would make good the deficiency; so I could have no design to cheat: there were two 100l. notes to Pritchard; one he took back; I gave him a draft upon Sir Robert Ladbroke the 14th day of the month, but made the date of the draft the 17th; and five guineas his clerk had in money: that 100l. was for my note, and no other general concern in Pritchard's account; it was Jesson's fault, not mine: I was good for 100l. then, my name good for 100l. or four or five; I had 2000l. at this time in Sir Robert Ladbrooke's hands, and Pritchard owed me 1900l. at this time, and Mr. Cardineaux has been paid the money. Everybody knew, I believe the gentlemen of the jury know, that at that time Mr. Pritchard's name was good, without the name of Banks. I wish it had fo now; I must leave the rest to my council; I don't understand the case."
After Bolland was condemned, he engaged several writers to defend him in the public papers; but they produced declamation instead of
argument. A petition was presented to the queen in his behalf, and the members of both houses of parliament received petitions from the hands of his disconsolate wife, some days before he suffered. The effect of these addresses occasioned the recorder to be sent for to St. James's, and it was not till the evening before his execution that it was finally determined he should suffer.
He was executed at Tyburn, Wednesday March 18th, 1772.



Transcription Notes:
Replaced any instances of "f" that should be pronounced as "s" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 19:27:30 you should not translate *as it's seen on the page* but what it stands for as the purpose of this is readability - this is not different to other projects were the old fashioned writing "fs" resembles ss and is transcribed as such ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-21 19:51:36 SI Transcription Center staff confirmed on 5-19-23 to use "s." This is a different style of print and cursive, not a different way of spelling words. Transcribing "as it's seen on the page" does not apply to this situation. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 04:32:29