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Teach the Passions how to glow,
And Virtue's comely semblance shew;
Bid her ev'ry charm unfold,
And men reform as they behold.
Let Vice with Gorgan terrors scare,
And bid her votaries beware - 
Open Clio's brightest page
Where Honour's noblest deeds engage!
To make her charms still more inflame,
Contrast them with the shade of Shame!
Let Brutus here each danger brave,
And Caesar stab, his Rome to save.
There teams of Slaves in Tyrant's chain,
Teach Britons Slav'ry to disdain;
And from Briannia's annals bring
The Portraits of a Patriot King.

Albion, thus thy gifts possessing,
Shall abound in ev'ry blessing;
Greater shall her Monarchs be,
Nobler her Nobility;
To Patriots shall her Peasants turn,
And with the love of Freedom burn.

The Pow'r descends! from is auspicious nod
The Temple lives, and shews the present God.
Behold! the Arts around us bloom,
And this Muse-devoted Dome
Rival the Works of Athens and of Rome.

INSCRIPTION for the neglected Column in the Palace of St. Mark at Florence. Written in the Year 1740. By the Hon. Horace Walpole, Esq;

ESCAP'D a [[Footnote 1]] race, whose vanity ne'er rais'd 
A monument but when themselves it prais'd,
Sacred to Truth, O! let this column rise,
Pure from false trophies and inscriptive lies!
Let no enslavers of their country here
In impudent relievo dare appear:
No pontiff by a ruin'd nation's blood
Lusting to aggrandize his bastard brood:
Be here no [[Footnote 2]] Clement, [[Footnote 3]] Alexander seen,
No pois'ning [[Footnote 4]] cardinal, or pois'ning [[Footnote 5]] queen;

[[Footnote 1]] The family of Medici.
[[Footnote 2]] Cardinal Julio de' Medici, afterwards Clement VII.
[[Footnote 3]] Alexander the first Duke of Florence, killed by Lorenzino de' Medici.
[[Footnote 4]] Ferdinand the Great, was first Cardinal and then became great Duke, by poisoning his elder brother Francis I. and his wife Bianca Capello.
[[Footnote 5]] Catherine of Medici, wife of Henry II. King of France.

[[bottom right corner]] No [[/bottom right corner]]

---Next Page---
For the YEAR 1772.

No Cosmo, or the [[Footnote 1]] bigot duke, or [[Footnote 2]] he
Great from the wounds of dying liberty.
No [[Footnote 3]] Loranier - one lying [[Footnote 4]] arch suffice
To tell his virtues and his victories:
Beneath his fost'ring eye how [[Footnote 5]] commerce thriv'd,
Beneath his smile how drooping arts reviv'd:
Let it relate, e'er since his rule begun,
Not what he has, but what he should have done.
Level with freedom, let this pillar mourn,
Nor rise, before the radiant bliss return;
Then tow'ring boldly to the skies proclaim
Whate'er shall be the patriot hero's name,
Who, a new Brutus, shall his country free,
And, like a god, shall say, Let there be liberty.

The ENTAIL. A Fable. By the Same.

IN a fair summer's radiant morn,
A butterfly divinely born,
Whose lineage dated from the mud
Of Noah's or Deucalion's flood,
Long hov'ring round a perfum'd lawn,
By various gusts of odours drawn,
At last establish'd his repose
On the rich bosom of a rose.
The palace pleas'd the lordly guest:
What insect own'd a prouder nest?
The dewy leaves luxurious shed
Their balmy odours o'er his head,
And with their silken tapestry fold
His limbs, enthron'd on central gold,
He thinks the thorns embattled round
To guard his castle's lovely mound,
And all the bush's wide domain
Subservient to his fancied reign.

[[Footnote 1]] Cosmo III.
[[Footnote 2]] Cosmo the Great enslaved the republics of Florence and Sienna.
[[Footnote 3]] Francis II. Duke of Lorain, which he gave up to France, against the command of his mother, and the petitions of all his subjects, and had Tuscany in exchange.
[[Footnote 4]] The triumphal arch erected to him without the Porta San Gallo.
[[Footnote 5]] Two inscriptions over the lesser arches call him "Restitutor Commercii, and Propagator Bonarum Artium," as his statue on horseback trampling on the Turks, on the summit, represents the victories that he was designed to gain over that people, when he received the command of the Emperor's armies, but was prevented by some fevers.

[[bottom left corner]] Vol. XV [[/bottom left corner]]

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[[bottom right corner]] Such [[/bottom right corner]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-13 12:56:30