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Memoirs of the Life of Sir Henry Fynes, alias Clinton, Knight, who was eldest son of Henry, the second Earl of Lincoln. Written by himself. p. 1
A curious Detail respecting the Persecutions of Princess (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth; from Mr. Warton's Life of Sir Thomas Pope. — 6
The Life of the celebrated Count de Caylus. — 13
Some Account of Nicholas Machiavel; translated from Baretti's new edition of his Works. — 18
Memoirs of John Baptiste Santeuil, a celebrated Latin Poet of the last century. — 21
Anecdotes of Rubens and Vandyck. — -- 25
_________ of Rembrandt. -- -- 29
_________ of Antonio Verrio. -- -- 30
_________ of Boerhaave. -- -- -- 32
_________ of Francis Duke de Rochefoucault. -- 34
_________ of Sir Isaac Newton. -- -- ibid.
Some Account of the late celebrated Marchioness du Chatelet. -- 37
Memoirs of Cardanus. -- -- -- 40
Anecdotes of Nicholas Ferrar, extracted from his Life, by Bishop Turner. 43
A Portrait of Julius Caesar, by a Philosopher. -- 47
An Account of a native of Taiti, (an island in the South Seas) who accompanied Bougainville to France, in the year 1769. -- 49
Character of Dr. Burnet, by a Foreigner. -- -- 53
Anecdotes of the notorious James Bolland. -- 54


Remarks upon the Nature of the Soil of Naples, and its Neighbourhood; in a
  Letter from the Honourable William Hamilton, his Majesty's Envoy-Extra-
  ordinary at Naples, to Matthew Maty, M.D. --- 62-83
An Account of the Nyl-ghau, an Indian animal, not hitherto described  84
Experiments on Snails, contradicting the Abbe Spilanzani's Account of the Reproduction of new Heads after the old ones have been cut off. -- 89
Some Account of the Aquatic Spider; from a French Work lately published. 91
Of the Bombardier; from the same. -- -- 92
Of the Sea-Bear; from the same. -- -- 93
Account of the Fasting Woman of Rothshire. -- 93
The Case of Thomas Wood, a Miller of Billericay in Essex. -- 94
Instances related of an astonishing Faculty in some Persons, who are said to be
   able to discover Water under ground.  -- 95
Wonderful Contrivance of Nature for the Preservation of a Plant that grows
   in the River Rhone.  -- -- -- 98
Dr. Lettsome's Account of the Tea-tree, and its Medicinal Qualities.  99



A Method of dying Wool and Silk of a Yellow Colour with Indigo, and also with several other Blue and Red colouring Substances. -- 106
Receipt for making the Yellow Dye. -- -- ibid.
Method of making solid and comby Pot-ash. -- 107
Method of ripening any quantity of Wort, and of effectually raising a bushel of Flour with a tea-spoonful of Barm. --- 108
Receipt for making the Powder of Fumigation, to prevent the Infection of the Plague.  -- 110
An easy Method of preserving Subjects in Spirits. -- 111
The proper Method of raising a White-thorn Hedge. --- 112
Secret of recovering the Writing upon Parchments decayed by time, and of making it legible. -- 115


Sketch of the State of Literature in England, particularly at Oxford, about the period of the Reformation. -- -- 116
An Account of the Burning and Rebuilding of the Church of Canterbury, in the year 1174.  -- 122
Improvements in Architecture by the Normans. --- 130
Some Extracts from an Enquiry into the Value of the ancient Greek and Roman Money. -- -- -- 133
Curious Extracts from the Lives of Lelande, Hearne, and Wood.  139
Certayne Questions, wyth Answers to the same, concernynge the Mystery of Maconrye; wrytenne by the hande of Kynge Henrye the Sixthe of the name,
   and faithfullye [faithfully] copyed [copied] by John Leylande, Antiquarius. ---141


Extracts from a Discourse delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy, on the Distribution of the Prizes, Dec. 10, 1771, by the President.*   144
Extracts from Whitelocke's Journal of the Swedish Ambassy; containing some Particulars of the meeting of the Swedish Diet, assembled to consent to the Resignation of Queen Christina; with an Account of the Marshal of the Boors, and the Speech he made to the Queen on that occasion.   147
Of the Russian Envoy's Audience at the Swedish Court; from the same.  150
Anecdotes of Queen Christina, and of her Favourite Grave Magnus de la Garde; from the same. -- -- 151
An Account of a May-day Collation, given by Whitelocke, in the English manner, to the Queen and some of favourite ladies and courtiers. 154
Some Account of the Diamond and Gold Mines in the Brasils. -- 155
Some Extracts and Anecdotes from Grossley's Observations on England 157


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-13 21:45:28