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Account of the Siege of Syracuse; from Hampton's Translation of Polybius, 164 
Account of the Fens in Lincolnshire, and their produce. 167 
Singular Gratitude and Generosity of Sentiment between two Arabian Lords. 170 
Extract from a little work, called Something New. 172 
Analogy; from the Same. 174 
The Defects of Modern Education. 176 
 Essay on Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws; by Voltaire. 178 
On Flattery; by the same. 179 
Derivation of the word Blessed, and of other old words. 181 
Mr. Ferguson's Description of the Devil's Cave, at Castletown, in the Peak of Derbyshire. 182 
A Censure of the present Taste in Music. 183 
An Essay on Modern Novel. 184 
A Dream; by Voltaire. 188 
On Conversation; from the Town and Country Magazine. 189 
On New Words; from the same. 190 


Extracts from Youth, a poem; by Hall Hartson. 192 
Solima, an Arabian Eclogue; from poems consisting of translations from the Asiatic languages, by the very ingenious and learned Mr. Tomes 196 
A Persian Song of Hafiz; from the same. 198 
A Turkish Ode of Mesibi; from the same. 200 
An Elegy upon Laura, in imitation of Petrarch. 201 
Ode for the New Year, 1772, by William Whitehead, Esq; 205 
The Ode performed at the opening of the New Exhibition Room of the Royal Incorporates Society of Artists of Great-Britian. 206 
Inscription for the neglected Column in the Palace of St. Mark, at Florence; written in 1740, by the Hon. Horace Walpole, Esq; 208 
The Entail, a Fable, by the same. 209 
Epilogue to the Fashionable Lover. 210 
The Downfall of Rome; from the celebrated Van Haron. 211 
Verses by a young African Negro Woman at Boston in New England,  214 
To a Lady who greatly admired the Spanish Poetry. 216 
Upon the Earl of Chatham's Verse to Mr. Garrick. ibid. 
On the Royal Marriage - Act. 217 
Barreaux's celebrated Sonnet, Grand Dieu! tes jugemens, &c. translated,  218 
A Fragment of Milton: from the Italian. ibid. 
Ode for his Majesty's Birth-day, June 4, 1772. ibid. 
Against Life; from the Greek of Prosidippus. 219 
For Life; from the Greek of Metrodorus. 220 
The Miser and the Mouse; an Epigram from the Greek. ibid. 
3   Impromptu,


Impromptu, by Mr. Horace Walpole, on seeing the Duchess of Queensbury walk at the Princess Dowager of Wales's Funeral. 220 
An Epitaph on the Monument of the late worthy and Rev. Mr. Beighton, Vicar of Egham; by Mr. Garrick. ibid. 
Epitaph on Mrs. Taylor, in Patricksbourn church-yard, Kent. 221 
Inscription upon the Monument of Mrs. Pritchard, lately put up at the Westend of Westminster-Abbey. ibid. 
Imitation of Buchanan. 222 
A stanza on Death, by Voiture, translated. ibid. 
The Pelican and the Spider, a Fable. ibid. 
The Progress of Poetry. 225 
On seeing Mr. Barry's Picture of Venus rising out of the Sea, at the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, May 8, 1772. 231 

ACCOUNT of BOOKS for 1772.

The History of the Present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours; by Joseph Priestly, L.L.D. F.R.S. 232 
Lectures on the Feudal and English Laws; by the late Francis Stoughton Sullivan, L.L.D. 235 
Travelers, by Joseph Marshall, Esq; 3 vols. 8 vo. 241 


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