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Promotions, Bankrupts, and Stocks.
[Two columns]

  Major-Gen. Bernard Hale, made Governor of Chelsea Hospital.
  Maj. Gen. George Lane Parker, made Colonel of the 20th reg. of foot. 
  Henry Pemberton, Esq; made Captain of a company in the 5th reg. of foot.
  Hon. Cosmo Gordon, Esq; made Capt. Lieut. in the 3d reg. of foot guards, vice Lieut. Col. Alex. Campbell, dec.
  Wm. Myers, Esq; Lieut. Governor of Semigambia in Africa, vice John Gilpin Sarvey, Esq; dec.  And Joseph Wall, Esq; Secretary and Clerk of the Council.
  Ralph Bigland, Esq; Somerset Herald, made Norroy King at Arms, and Principal Herald for the North part of England.

               PROMOTIONS CIVIL.

  Dr. Alexander Munro Drummond, chosen Professor of Physic in the University of Edinburgh, in the room of Dr. Gregory.
  Mr. Charles Hutton, of Newcastle upon Tyne, appointed Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich.
  Thomas Wilson, Esq; made Chief Justice of Dominica, vice James Ashley Hall, Esq; dec.


Hill Collicott, of Bristol, gun smith.  Christ. Bocquet, of King-Street, Westminster, taylor.
Tho. M'Kenlay, of Newman-Street, Oxford road, taylor.
Wm. Tryon, of Marybone, merchant.
John Potter, of London-Wall, merchant.
H. Bartell, of Worcester-place, Thames-street, sugar refiner.
Rob. Hall, of Harp-lane, cooper.
Wm. Lessley, of St. George's, Middlesex, mariner and merchant.
Tho. Naters, of George-street, merchant.
Step. Larche, of Old Ford, dyer.
Duke Junior, otherwise Moses Isaac, of Somerset-street, Aldgate, merchant.
Peter Athawes, of Maidstone, draper.
Wm. Swan, of Bridgewater, Somersetshire, mercer.
Wm. Wilmott, of Bromsgrove, merchant.
Benj. Greaves, of Manchester, merchant.
Henry Berry Watson, of Bristol, mariner.
Philip Davis, of Bristol, factor.
Walter Caswell, of Fullson-house, near Litchfield, Straffordsh. horse dealer.
Peter Johnson, of Liverpool, brick-maker.
Rob. Reynolds, of Exeter, merchant and ironmonger.
Wm. Frost, of Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk, wool-comber.
Wm. Hughes, of Denbigh, timber-mer.
Burnet Abercromby, of Bury-street, Westminster, mariner and merchant.
Jn. Carfe, of East-Smithfield, dealer and chapman.
R. Wetenhall, of Charles-street, brandy m.

Greg. M'Cannon, of St. Mary at Hill, London, and Geo, Crossley, of London, late of Manchester, merchants and co-partners.
Cha. Stokes, of Chancery-lane, vintner.
Tho. Elderton, of Upper Thames-street, London, lighterman.
John Wellington, of Chard, Somersetshire, druggist.
Wm. Scurrah, of Oxford-street, cheesem.
J. Purfer of St. Giles's in the fields, brewer.
Jam. Broughton, of the parish of Horndon, Essex, shop-keeper.
Martin Hockley, and Thomas Wright, of St. Paul's, Shadwell, haberdashers and copartners.
Joseph Champion, of Edale, Derbyshire, dealer and chapman.
Sam. Harmar, of Chalford, Gloucestersh. clothier.
Thomas Harmar, of Chalford, Gloucestershire, clothier.
Benj. Combes, of New Bond-street, wine-cooper and turner.
Wm. Burke, late of the island of Granada, in the West Indies, but now of London, merchant, (surviving partner of John Burke, late of the said island, merchant, deceased). 
Wm. Bridge, of the parish of Eghoysfach, Denbighshire, ironfounder.
Wm. Godfell, of Black-Friars, smith.
Joseph Perkins, of St. George the Martyr, Middlesex, wine-merchant
Rob. Garnett, Clement Danes, money seriv.(?)
Charlotte Levi, King-street St. Giles's, saleswoman.
Geo. Rooke, and  Wm. de la Touche, of St. Leonard's, Devonshire, timber mer.
James Simpson, of Dudley, shop-keeper.
Rd. Newman, of Dartmouth, merchant.
John Watson, of Fair-street, Horsleydown, near Borough, Southw. mariner.
Tobias Vickers, of Fore-street, taylor.
Lionel Pilkington, Elsingthorpe, of Hyde-Park-Corner, vintner.
Jos. Cortissos, of Abchurch-lane, London, scrivener.
Anthony Fernandez, and Jof. da Silva, of Savage-gardens, merchants.
Alex. Lindsay, of Clare court, Drury-lane, bookseller and stationer.
Jof. Heath, of Woburn, Bedfordsh. draper.
Wm. Harris, of Clifton, Gloucestershire, lime burner.
Wm. Jones, Bristol, innholder.
Tho. Darby, of Cradley, Worcestershire, ironmonger.
Theophilus Walford, of Chipping-Norton, Oxfordshire, money-scrivener.

                    PRICES of STOCKS

                        Ap. 29.                May 29.
Bank Stock             139 1/4            |  139 1/2  2 1/2
India Stock            146 9 1/2          |  142 1/2
3 per Cent. reduced     84  1/2 a 5 [[?]] |  84 5/8 [[?]] 3/4
3 per Cent. Confol.     85 +5/8           |  85 a86 1/2
Long Ann.



Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 12:58:02 Corrected some typos. Got to Thomas Wilson line. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-13 16:37:35 changed printed "f" with "s" Fractions in last section difficult to interpret symbols ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-14 13:27:56 - align transcription to the left side and remove things like [[Two columns]]