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452 List of Books, - with Remarks.
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Soon after his Lordship is caught out by a Templar (Mr. Davis), as He is in like manner by a Surry 'Squire (Mr. Lewis); and the players on both sides, and the notches gained, are enumerated in the same manner as the heroes and the numbers killed in the old ballad. The famous stanza of Witherington, in particular, is thus parodied:
For Wood, of Seale, needs must I wail, 
As one in doleful dumps;
For, if he e'er should play again,
I must be on his stumps.
And in a note it is said that "one
of this poor man's legs was bound
up, and it us feared must undergo an
The ballad concludes with the different reflections made on this event by the Rectors of Sevenoak and Barham, in whose parishes are the seats of the Duke of Dorset and Sir Horace Mann, and with informing us that Kent afterwards took her revenge, in the following stanzas:
This vow full well did Kent perform, 
After on Sevenoak Vine; 
With six not in, the game was won,
Though White got fifty-nine:
For With'rington I needs must wail,
As one in doleful dumps;
For when his legs were smitten off,
He fought upon his stumps.
*    *    *    *    *
This vow full well the King perform'd
After, on Humbledown;
In one day fifty Knights were slain,
With Lords of great renown:
†It is also said, that "the stanza here parodied having been injudiciously substituted in the latter copies of Chevy-chace, printed in 1524, the sense at the same time being so burlesqued that the Spectator dared not quote it, the original stanza, in which that absurdity is avoided, is added, from the old ballad at Otterburn," printed in the reign of Henry VI. together with a parody, that the reader may take his choice:
For Witherington my heart was woe
That ever he slain should be,
For when both his legswere hewn in two,
Yet he kneel'd, and fought on his knee.
For bare-footed Wood my heart was woe,
That his leg bound up should be,
For if both his legs should be cut off,
He would kneel, and catch on his knee.

[[2nd column]]
For Miller, Wood, and Dorset then
Display'd their wonted skill:
Thus ended the fam'd match of Bourn,
Won by Earl Tankerville.
God save the King, and bless the land
With plenty and increase;
And grant henceforth that idle games
In harvest-time may cease!
And of the rest, of small account,
Did many thousands die:
Thus ended the hunting of Chevy-chace,
Made by the Earl Piercy,
God save the King, and bless the land
In plenty, joy, and peace;
And grant henceforth, that foul debate
'Twixt noblemen may cease.

DIVINE Revelation the only Test of Sound Doctrine, or a further Reformation wanted in the Reformed Churches. Being an attempt to prove, that the doctrine of a Trinity, as commonly held and taught, is not revealed in the scriptures; and consequently is no article of the Christian faith. By R. Elliot, A.B. formerly of Bennet-College, Cambridge. 8vo. 5s. bound. Dilly
A new and literal Translation from the original Hebrew of the Pentateuch of Moses, and of the historical books of the Old Testament, to the end of the second book of Kings; with notes critical and explanatory. By the Rev. and learned Julius Bate, M.A. 4to. 18s. bound. Faden, Law.
The Depositions, Arguments, and Judgement, in the Cause of the Churchwardens of Tresdraeth, in the county of Anglefea, against Dr. Bowels; adjudged by the worshipful G. Hay, L.L.D. Dean of the Arches: instituted to remedy the grievance of preferring persons unacquainted with the British language to livings in Wales. 4to. 2s. 6d. Harris.
Experiments of the Spaw, at Mount Sion, near Liverpool, with a view to ascertain its contents, and to investigate its medicinal properties. By James Worthington, Surgeon. Small 8vo. 1s. Johnson.
The History of a Gentleman cured of Heats in his Face. Written by himself. 8vo. 1s. Hawes.
A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Act Sunday, July 11, 1773. By Thomas Griffith, D.D. 8vo. 6d. Rivington.
A Ser-

Catalogue of New Publications.  453
[[two columns per page, 1st column]]
A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mayr's, on Act Sunday, July 11, 1773. By Henry Whitfield, D.D. 4to. 6d. Pridden.
The Christian aspiring to Heaven. A Sermon, occasioned by the decease of Mrs. Susanna Brittain, late wife of the Rev. Mr. John Brittain. Preached in Church lane, near Whitechapel, Jule 13, 1773. By Samuel Stennett, D.D. 8vo. 6d. Buckland.
A collection of Sermons and Tracts, in two volumes. By the late Reverend and learned John Gill, D.D. To which are prefixed, memoirs of the life, writings, and character of the author. 1l. 10s. in boards. Keith.
The English Preacher; or sermons on the principal subjects of religion and morality, selected, revised, and abridged from various authors. vol. ii. 8vo. 3s. boards. Johnson.
Fourteen sermons on several occasions. By Thomas Skeeler, M.A. late Vicar of Lewknor, in Oxfordshire, and chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Litchfield. 8vo. 6s. sewed. Dodsley.
A discourse, occasioned by the death of the celebrated Doctor Dealtry, M.D. who had the honour of knowing him, died March 25, 1773. By William Cooper, D.D. Rector of Kirkby-Wiske, and Vicar of Mansfield, Yorkshire. 4to. 6d. White.
The Wisdom and Necessity of the Mosaic Revelation, a sermon, preached at the cathedral church of York, June 20, 1772. By William Cooper, D.D. Rector of Kirkby-Wiske and Vicar of Mansfield, Yorkshire. 4to. 1s White.
Resignation the Duty of Mourners; a sermon preached at Coventry, Nov. 22, 1772, on the death of Mr. Thomas Dawson, who departed this life Nov. 15, 1772, aged 27. By Stephen Addington. 8vo. 6d. Buckland.
The Prudential Lovers, or the History of Harry Harper. 2 vols. 12mo. 6s bound. J. Bell.
The Fatal Connexion. A novel. By Mrs. Fogerty, author of Col. Digby and Miss Stanby, 2 vols. 12mo. 6s bound. Bladon.
The Fond Lover. A poem 4to. 1s. Allen.
The Naval Review. A Poem. Inscribed to the Right Hon. Sir Charles Saunders, Knight of the Bath, and Admiral of the white squadron of his Majesty’s fleet. By the Rev. Robert English, late chaplain to his Majesty’s ship the Royal George, and to the 24th regiment of foot. 4to. 1s. Becket.
The Pantheon. A Poem. 4to. Williams.
The History of Rhedi, the Hermit of 

[[2nd column]]
Mount Ararat. An Oriental Tale. 12mo. 3s. bound. Cadell. 
The Sportsman’s sure Guide, or Gamester’s Vade Mecum; shewing the exact odds at horse-racing, lotteries, raffles, cock fighting, cards, &c. With a table, shewing the odds of the variety of chances of throwing any number of points with dice, from one to ten inclusive; also the odds of back-gammon, bowls, coits, &c. By Henry Proctor, at Woodhouse, near Masham, Yorkshire. Small 8vo. 3s. 6d. sewed. R. Mariner.
The Ship-Master’s Assistant, for keeping his accounts in a plain, concise, and intelligible method. Containing examples of all the accounts necessary to be known for an easy and thorough understanding of that useful branch of book-keeping. Together with all forms of manifests, receipts, invoices, &c. [[etc.]] By a friend to seafaring men. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Robinson.
The East-India Navigator’s Daily Assistant; with the new method of computing the longitude, Dedicated, by permission, to the Honourable Court of Directors. By R. Bishop. 4to. 7s. 6d. sewed. Hilton.
Select Mechanical Exercises: shewing how to conduct different clocks, orreries, and sun-dials, on plain and easy principles, with several miscellaneous articles, and new tables, &c. To which is prefixed a short account of the life of the author. By James Ferguson, F.R.S. 8vo. 5s bound. Cadell.
Memoirs of the Society instituted at Amsterdam, in favour of drowned persons, for the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771; translated from the original. By Thomas Cogan, M.D. 8vo 2s Robinson.
An Essay on military education. By Lewis Lochée, master of the Military Academy, at Little Chelsea, 8vo. 2s. Nourse, White, Riley.-[For a character of this Essay, fee our Magazine for August, p. 390.
Remarks on an Enquiry into the connexion [connection] between the present price of provisions and the size of farms, Wherein the errors of the Enquiry are detected, and the consequences of the practice of monopolizing farms are explained and proved disadvantageous. By John Lewis, author of uniting and monopolizing farms, &c. [[etc.]] Small 8vo. 6d. Longman.
A Complete Guide for the Management of Bees throughout the year, containing 1. Description of the queen bee. 2. The generation of bees. 3. Of the drones. 4. Of the proper situation for a bee-house. 5. The proper method of swarming and hiving. 6. Of separating the honey and wax. 7. Of the enemies and sickness incident to bees. 8. Of feeding them in the winter season. 9. Explanation of the new invented hives, with proper directions in what manner they are to be made use of.  By Daniel Wildman, at his repository, Blackfriars Bridge, 8vo. is. Bladon. 

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