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470 List of Deaths. 
At St. Omer's, Lady Annabella Stuart, aged 91. 
At Shewsburry, Richard Morhall, Esq; 
Mrs. Mary Duff, of Edinb. aged 103. 
Wm. Penny, Esq; at Worcefter. 
Benj Hume, Esq; of Jamaica aged 76. 
Rev. Dr Samuel Price, chaplain to the Bishop of Winchester, and Rector of East Brixon, in Suffex. 
Aug. 3 Count Peter Czernichew, who resided many years in England, as Ambassador from Russia. 
Aug. 27 Rev. Mr. Reynolds, vicar of Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. 
28. The Rev. William Rogers, Vicar of Hearn, in Kent. 
At the Hague, M. Francis Fagel, Second Secretary to the Assembly of the State's Genera, aged 33. 
David Gavin, Esq; of Langton, Scotland. 
At Berlin, Princess Frederica Elizabeth Dorothea Henrietta Maria, eldest daughter of Prince Ferdinand of Prussia, in the 12th year of her age. 
29 Sir Walter Abingdon Compton, Bart. at Hartpury-Court, Gloucestershire. 
31 Philip Burron, Esq; of Blackheath. 
At Philip Burrton, Esq; of Blackheath. 
At Rackheath hall, near Norwich, Tho. 
Preston, Esq; of a bleeding at the nose. 
Mr. George Muirhead, Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow. 
At [[?]], in Glamerganshire, Mr. Lewis Evan Morgan, in the 98th year of his age. His will is nearly compromised in these words: "I give to my old faithful servant, Ester Hones, the while that I am possessed of, either in the personal property, land, or otherwise. She is a tolerable good woman,-but would be much better, if she has not so clamorous a tongue. She has, however, one great virtue, which is a veil to all her foibles,-strict honesty."
Sept. 1. Rev. Mr. Marsh, Vicar of St. Margaret at Clift, West Clidt, and Buckland, near Dover. 
2. Jonathan Alexander, Esq; of Bury, in Suffolk. 
3. Joseph Tidmarsh, Esq; of Hamerilton- street, Piccadilly. 
In park-street, Grosv square, the wife of Ambrose Vateiker, Esq; aged 17, and married but two months. 
Master George [[?]], in St. James's-square. 
Mr John Theobald, timber merchant, near Cuper's-gardens. 
4 Mis. Box, of Queen-Ann street, Cavendish-square. 
5 Robert Pearce, Esq; at Paddington. 
In Grub-street, Mr. Horton, who acquired a fortune of 20001. by letting out wheel barrows, &c. to the poor. 
6 In Leicester-fields, Philip Combyn, Esq; of the Regifter court, Edinburgh. 
Brutus [[?]], Esq; Mile End. 
In Lincoln's inn-fields, Paul Robinson, Esq; a Special Pleader in Chancery. 
John Tacleton, Esq; at Liverpool. 
7. In Percy-street, Hanover-square, William Hargrove, Esq; 
8. The Rev. Nicholas Cholwell, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, and [[?]] of Stevenage, Herts. 
In his chariot, of an apoplectic fir, Aaron Beath, Esq; of Rotherhithe. 
11 Sidney Bowtham, Esq; of Bethnal-Green. 
In Red-Lion square, Sir Walter Barrowby, late one of the Judges in Jamaica. 
12 At Hendon, Thomas Pungley, Receiver of First Fruits. 
Ben. Rodgers, Esq; of Upper-Brook-ster. 
Triton Pheelby, Esq; a native of Leghorn, in Bond-street. 
Edward Coke, Esq; at Canterbury 
Mr. Gosling, the farmer who stood committed by the Coroner of Cambridgeshire, for occasioning the death of a poor woman big with child, who was gleaning in of his fields. The uneasiness of mind which he laboured under on account of the poor woman's miscarriage and death, is said to have [[?]] is end. 
13. The Rev. Dr. Morgan, Chaplain to the Archbishop of York, in Delabray-street, Westminster 
At Gillingham, in Kent, Martha Collins, a ed 102. 
14 Brutus Otherly, Esq; of Parliamenr-street. 
14. Prince Maximilian, de Salm Salm, Lieut. Gen. in the Imperial service. 
15. William Sayer, Esq; at Maiden-head 
16. At Langley park, in Norfold, aged 49, Sir William Beauchamp Protor, Bt. 
17. Mrs. Whirelegg, mother of Miss Whitelegg, over against Norfolk street, in the Strand, whose insane behavior has fathered crowds before the house day and night for near three months. 
Philip Turnton, Esp; of Golden square 
John Peach, LL. B. Fellow of St John's college, Oxon. 
19. John [[?]], Esq; of Leicester-sq. 
20. George Corrington, M.D. at Bethnal-green
Capt. James Pringle, of the first regiment of Guards 
21. Joseph Knapton, Esq; of Brompton 
23. At Bath, Evelyn Pierpoint, Duke of Kingston. His Grace succeeded his grandfather, Evelyn Duke Kingston, March 5, 1725 6, William, his father, dying in the life time of his grandfather, at the age of twenty-one, July 1, 1713. His Grace, on July 8, 1738, was constituted Master of Stag hounds on the North of the Trent; and on March 20, 1741, was elected Knight of the Garter, and installed April 21 following, and made one of the Lords of the Bedchamber to his Majesty, which he afterwards resigned. In 1745, on the breaking out of the regiment of horse for the service of the Government. On a promotion of General Officers. 

Promotions, and Bankrupts. 471
Officers, March 19, 1755, he was constituted Major-General; and on Feb.4, 1759, promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General. At the coronation of the present Kind, Sept. 22, 1761, his Grace carried St Edward's Staff. On Jan. 10, 1763, he was appointed Lord Lieutenant of the county and town of Nottingham; and on the 29th od the same month was appointed Steward and Keeper of the Forest od Sherwood, and Park of Folewood, in Nottinghanshite. His Grace married the Hon Miss Chunleigh, in 1769, by whom he had on issue. By the death of the Duke, two blue ribbons are vacant besides his Grace's; viz. the late Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel's, and the late Earl of Chesterfield's. 

THE Rev. George Gatton, to hold Pewsey Vircarage, in Somersetshire, with Smoulton Rectory, in Wilts. 

THE Rev Mr.Pollon, yo Froyle Rectory, in Hants. 
Rev. Mr. Pugh, Curate of Castle Hedingham, to [[?]] Hedingham, in Effex. 
Rev. Henry Reginald Courtenay, to Lee Rectory, in Kent, and to the Prebend of St. Andrew, in Rochester cathedral. 
Rev. Stephen Jenner, Fellow of Magdalen college, Oxon, to Filleton R. Wilts. 
Rev. John Burrows, to the R. of St. Clement Dane, in the Strand, to which he was presented by the Earl of Exeter, and also to the R. of Christ Church, Surry, worth 200l. per ann. 
Aug.28. Rev. Thomas Metcalfe, to Barrow Rectory, in Suffolk. 
Sept. 7 Rev. Mr. Laburn, to [[?]] Rectory in Yorkshire. 

MR. Adair, Surgeon to Chelsea Hospital, in the room of the late Mr. Ranby. 
20. 1st troop Horse Grenadier-gaurds, Jacob Sawbridge, Major; Edward Whitwell, Lieutenant and Captain; George Bosawen, Guidon and Captain; John Robinson, Adjutant 
52d reg. Foot, Paul Dayrell, Captain 1st battalion Royal American reg. Foot, Charles Philips, Captain; Marcus Prevost, Captain. 
Lieut. John Nordberg, of the first battalion of the Royal American regiment, to be Captain by brevet in America only. 

CAPTAIN Walters, nephew to Sir Hugh Palliser, Comptroller, to the command of the Norwich, just commissioned. 
Capt. Drummond, to the Sea-Horse which is to convey Commodore Hughes to India. 
William Palmer, Esq; Clerk of the Cheque at Portsmouth, a Commissioner of the Navy. 
Capt. Alexander, to the COmmand of the Zephyr sloop. 

GEORGE Upton, and Thomas Main, late of Derby street, Rosemarylane, soap makers, and coal-merchants Charles Blackwell, of the Strand, Druggist Rich. Hill, late of the Bail of Lincoln grocer 
Rich. Pollard, of Rye, in Suffex, grocer Wm. Howel, and John Frosdick, of Yarmouth, Norfolk, hardwaremen 
Jn. Thomas, of Great Marybone ster. holster 
Jn. Twinpennt, of Red cross-street, East Smithfield, brewer 
Ben. Ludlow, jun. of Warminster, in Wilts, linen draper 
Geo. Symons, of Ashburton, in Devonshire, Victualler 
Naphaly Hart, and Hyam Hart, of St. 
George's Wapping, Jewellers 
Isacc Aldrick, of Compton street, Soho, linen-draper 
Rob. Marsch, of Ave-mary-lane, stationer 
Henry Nicholas, jun. (partner with David Vaillard) of Castle-street, St. Martin's in the Fields, taylor 
Paul Maylor, late of Corke, in Ireland, but now of Westminster, merchant 
Anselm Jones, jun. Christ-ch. Silk throwster 
James Adney, of Cullum-street, broker 
Samuel Walker, of Aldgate High-street, broker 
Rd. Robson, Laytonstone, Effex, merchant 
Wm. Phelps, of South-Lambeth, dealer 
William Coles, [[?]] of Romney, Hants innholder. 
Benj. Mendes, otherwise Beng. Mendez Henriques, and Isaac otherwise James Da Casta, of Lemon-street, Goodman's fields, tobacconists 
Rd Liley, of Halifax, in Yorksh. deather James Kingston, Sandys-str. Bishopsgate, weaver 
Edward Tookey, New Romnet, in Kens, linendraper 
William Carpenhale, St. Botolph without Aldgate, grocer 
Thomas Ereth, jun. Eltham, merchant 
James Ereth, jun. Elsham, merchant 
Hames Deeker, Borwhich, cabinetmaker 
William Greenwell, of Monkwearmouthshore, Durham, coal-fitter 
John Shepperd, of St. Martin's in the Fields, baker 
Benjamin Skutt, jun, Wardour-st. grocer 
Robert Forder, of St.Faith's, near Winchester, dealer 
Richard Wills, and William Falkner, of St. Luke's Chelsea, carpenters 
John Merrington, Norton, Burham, grocer 
Thomas Holdirch, of Halesworth, Suffolk, wollen and linen draper 
William Dickenson, Sandbank, Cheshire innholder.