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The Royal American Magazine



Shewing what part of any fum, being the principal, is equal to the intereft of the fame at the rate of 6 percent per annum for any time ; from 1 day when the inter-reft is 10,000th of the principal, to 16 years 8 months, when intereft and principal are equal. 

Calculated in decimal fractions to 4 places of figures, 1 whole number being integer.

[[ 2 Columned Table, left aligned ]]

| Days. | Decimals. |

| --- | --- |

| 1{line} | {line},0001 |
| 2{line} | {line},0003 |
| 3{line} | {line},0005 |
| 4{line} | {line},0006 |
| 5{line} | {line},0008 |
| 6{line} | {line},0009 |
| 7{line} | {line},0011 |
| 8{line} | {line},0013 |
| 9{line} | {line},0014 |
| 10{line} | {line},0016 |
| 11{line} | {line},0018 |
| 12{line} | {line},0019 |
| 13{line} | {line},0021 |
| 14{line} | {line},0023 |
| 15{line} | {line},0024 |
| 16{line} | {line},0026 |
| 17{line} | {line},0027 |
| 18{line} | {line},0029 |
| 19{line} | {line},0031 |
| 20{line} | {line},0033 |
| 21{line} | {line},0034 |
| 22{line} | {line},0036 |
| 23{line} | {line},0037 |
| 24{line} | {line},0039 |
| 25{line} | {line},0041 |
| 26{line} | {line},0042 |
| 27{line} | {line},0044 |
| 28{line} | {line},0046 |
| 29{line} | {line},0047 |
| 30{line} | {line},0049 |
| {line} | {line} |

O Fel[[?]] 6th - 1791 [[?]]
{vertical line}
Josiah. Waistcoat Born in Fulemouth [[?]]

[[ 4 Columned Table, right aligned ]]

| Mhs. | Yrs. | Mhs. | Decimals. |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| 1{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,005 |
| 2{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,01 |
| 3{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,015 |
| 4{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,02 |
| 5{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,025 |
| 6{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,03 |
| 7{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,035 |
| 8{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,04 |
| 9{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,045 |
| 10{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,05 |
| 11{line} | {vertical line} {line} | {vertical line} | {line,0 5 |
| {vertical line} | 1{line} | {vertical line} | {line,06 |
| {vertical line} | 2{line} | {vertical line} | {line,12 |
| {vertical line} | 3{line} | {vertical line} | {line,18 |
| {vertical line} | 4{line} | {vertical line} | {line,24 |
| {vertical line} | 4{line} | 2 | {line,25 |
| {vertical line} | 5{line} | {vertical line} | {line,3 |
| {vertical line} | 6{line} | {vertical line} | {line,36 |
| {vertical line} | 7{line} | {vertical line} | {line,42 |
| {vertical line} | 8{line} | {vertical line} | {line,48 |
| {vertical line} | 8{line} | 4 | {line,5 |
| {vertical line} | 9{line} | {vertical line} | {line,14 |
| {vertical line} | 10{line} | {vertical line} | {line,6 |
| {vertical line} | 11--- | {vertical line} | {line,66 |
| {vertical line} | 12--- | 6 | {line,75 |
| {vertical line} | 13--- | {vertical line} | {line,78 |
| {vertical line} | 14--- | {vertical line} | {line,84 |
| {vertical line} | 15--- | {vertical line} | {line,9 |
| {vertical line} | 16--- | {vertical line} | {line,96 |
| {vertical line} | 16--- | 8 | {line,1 |


For DECEMBER, 1774.


Required, the intereft of 99l 19s 11d for 1 year 7 months and 29 days,
Rule, Multiply the fum by the proportional for the time, the product is the intereft.
NB. Integers and decimals muft be feparated by a point. 
{Pounds being integers :::::::::: 99l 19s 11d 
being parts by the money table, * is ::: 
{ 1 Year, by the intereft table, is : : : ,06 
  7  months : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,035
  29 days : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,0047
{line}: :,0997
  Product: : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 9,96958126
Now becaufe there are 4 places of decimals in the miulti-plicand, and 4 more in the multiplier, 8 figures are fepa-rated by a point from the right hand, the one remaining being integer, is 9l : 0s : 0d and becaufe the table extends to 4 places of figures only, feen in the money table, for 4 decimals next integer, viz. ,9695 rejecting the reft, the neareft is ,9692 : : : : againft which is : : : : 0l 19s 7d
Intereft required  : : : 9l 19s 7d

What is the intereft of 0l 19s 6d for 16 years.
Againft 19s 6d in the money table is ,975
Againft 16 years in the intereft table is ,96
Product     ,93600
Neareft to which in the money table is ,9375,
anfwering to 18s. 9d.

Required the intereft of 555l. for 4 years 2 months.
Note, The proportional here is 1/4 part of the principal, 
but fee the work,
Pounds : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 555l.
Againft 4 years 2 months : : : : is ,25
Product     138,75.
Againft ,75---is 15s.
Anfwer 138l 15s 0d.
* The Money Table referred to will be in our next.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to format this table There is a word on the right page following "requires the interest of"... that is hard to transcribe ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 09:48:11 Re: the table, it looks like there are two data tables with a vertical line break in-between them. In this space, there is a handwritten note (signature and attestation?). Re: "requires the interest of", it looks like the string of text is numbers followed by units, 99l, 19s 11d. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 12:53:35 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 13:00:11