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I CONCEIVE that it would become every advocate for Chriſtianity to teſtify againſt a cuſtom which is now practiſed by a great part of Chriſtendom. I mean the cuſtom of enſlaving the Africans. It is ſaid in the goſpel that "Thou ſhalt love thy neighbour as thyſelf." It would be vain to plead that a negro is not the neighbour of a white man, and that a difference of complexion will alter the neceſſity of obeying the command of our Saviour. To plead this would be an adffront to reaſon, as well as a direct contradiction to the expreſs declaration of Chriſtianity. For the fame revelation which ſays, "Thou ſhalt love thy neighbour as thyſelſ," ſays, that God "Hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.*"- The words here are as extenſive and as forcible as any words can be to prove that men of every colour and

*Acts xvii.26.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-10 10:20:49