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hufband and wife from each other and from their children; an injury the greatnefs of which can only be conceived by fuppofing that we were in the fame unhappy cafe. In juftice therefore to perfons fo unhappily circumftanced, and who having no porfpect before them whereon they may reft their forrows and their hopes, have no reafonable inducement to render their fervice to fociety, which they otherwife might; and alfo in grateful commemoration of our own happy deliverance from that flate of unconditional fubmiffion to which we were doomed by the tyranny of Britain;

"Be it enacted,and it is hereby enacted by the reprefentatives of the freemen of the common-wealth of Pennfylvania, in general affembly met, and by the authority of the fame, that all perfons,as well negroes and mulattoes as others, who fhall be born within this ftate, from and after the paffing of this act fhall not be deemed and confidered as fervants for life, or flaves; and that all fervitude for life, or flavery of children, in cofequence of the flavery of their mothers, in the cafe of all children born within this ftate, from and after the paffing of this act as aforefaid, fhall be, and hereby is utterly taken away, extinguifhed and for ever abolifhed."

I would recommend to the feveral and refpective ftates of America, firft to admire, and then to imitate, this glorious act, which reflects immortal honour upon thofe who made it. I would bid them to follow the ftate of Pennfylvania in this path of virtue and of glory which fhe has trodden. I would tell them that the blood of the perfecuted Africans, which has been fhed by the mercilefs hand of oppreffion, cries alfo againft this country (as well as againft many others) to the throne of the Almighty for vengeance. --- It fhakes the pillars of Heaven.



*** Lately publifhed by the fame Author POEMs on various Subjects.
