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64     P O E M S  O N

[[right margin]] each five lines is counted [[/right margin]]

For thee, Britannia, I refign [[resign]]
New-England's fmiling [[smiling]] fields;
To view again her charms divine,
What joy the profpect [[prospect]] yields:

But thou! Temptation, hence away,           45
With all thy fatal train,
Nor once feduce [[seduce]] my foul [[soul]] away,
By thine enchanting ftrain [[strain]]. 

Thrice happy they, whofe [[whose]] heav'nly fhield [[shield]]
Secures their fouls [[souls]] from harms,   50        
And fell Temptation on the field            
Of all its pow'r difarms [[disarms]]!

Bofton [[Boston]], May 7, 1773.


A BIRD delicious to the tafte [[taste]],
On which an army once did feaft [[feast]],
Sent by an hand unfeen [[unseen]];
A creature of the horned race,
Which Britain's royal ftandards [[standards]] grace;       5
A gem of vivid green;

[facing page]
V A R I O U S  S U B J E C T S.             65 
A town of gaiety and fport [[sport]],
Where beaux and beauteous nymphs resort,
And gallantry doth reign;
A Dardan hero fam'd of old                  10
For youth and beauty, as we're told,
And by a monarch flain [[slain]];

A peer of popular applaufe [[applause]],
Who doth our violated laws,
And grievances proclaim.                    15                
Th' initials fhow [[show]] a vanquish'd town,
That adds frefh [[fresh]] glory and renown
To old Britannia's fame.

An ANSWER to the Rebus, By the Author of thefe [[these]] POEMS.

THE poet afks [[asks]], and Phillis can't refufe [[refuse]] 
To show th' obedience of the infant mufe [[muse]]. 
She knows the Quail of moft [[most]] inviting tafte [[taste]]
Fed Ifrael's [[Israel's]] army in the dreary wafte [[waste]];
And what's on Britain's royal ftandard [[standard]] borne,   5
But the tall, graceful, rampant Unicorn?
The Emerald with a vivid verdure glows
Among the gems which regal crowns compofe [[compose]];
Bofton's [[Boston's]] a town, polite and debonair,
To which the beaux and beauteous nymphs repair, 10 
Each Helen strikes the mind with fweet [[sweet]] furprife [[surprise]],
While living lightning flafhes [[flashes]] from her eyes,
See young Euphorbus of the Dardan line
By Menelaus' hand to death refign [[resign]] :

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-10 16:14:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 17:11:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 - Changes made to reflect the grammar usage of "f" instead of "s" in the document. Correct grammar in [[ ]]]. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 14:47:54