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Arminian Magazine, 
For AUGUST 1789. 
An APPEAL to the GOSPEL for the true Doctrine of DIVINE PREDESTINATION, Concorde with the Orthodox Doctrine of GOD's FREE-GRACE, and MAN's FREE-WILL. 
[Continued from page 327.]
The Tranfution to the third Part. 
THUS have I fpoken fparingly, and with reverence, of thefe high things conceived by us as eternal, and before all time. Next I am to declare the things done in time, opening and revealing thofe eternal counfels; which two parts I think good to unite, as it were, by a ftrong joint fet between them.
The creation of the world was the firft act of GOD's power, beginning to execute in time his counfel and decree, which was from everlafting. 
The world is that whole frame of GOD's building fet up, perfected, and furnifhed according to the model in the mind of purpofe of GOD, who hath built all things. In it GOD made manifeft the invifible things of his wifdom and goodnefs to his own glory. Therein he hath made creatures of fundry natures, motions, and perfections, to fundry ends. 

Y y Above

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-10 09:07:16 Original works uses "f" in place of "s" in many places. Adjusted transcription to that. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-10 08:17:42 Changed uses of "s" in the transcription to the original "f" uses. Adjusted transcription to be consistent.