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That it was possible for them to be faved, who in the event, were not faved; and to have repented, who repen-tended not: I and there was no decree of GOD, which did lay a necessity of perthing upon any son of Adam. This Calium himself doth freely acknowledge, this cemmrely received opinion (faith he, of a conditional repetitve decree is not the opinion only of common people, but hath great others in all ages. To the same effect also proffer (St Austin follower) hath a remarkable speech, Almefit all the as did grant with one comfort, that GOD decered mens and according to his forefight of the affiations and not otherwife.

The Truth of this may further appear by a few particular influnces.
Minuis Falix brings in the pagans objecting to the chriftians, that they held the events of all things to be inevitable , and did feign to themselves an unjust GOD, who punished in men their unavoidable defiancies, not their ill choice. He anfwereth, christians hold no other fates than GOD's decrees, who, foreknowing all men and their affions, did accordingly determine their retributions.

St.Hierom, an eager oppofer of the pelagians, in many places of his writings, faith the fame thing. "the love and hatred of GOD"(faith he)"arifeth from the forefight of future things, or from the works, otherwife we know that GOD loveth all things, nor doth he hate any thing that he hath made." And in his book againft pelagi-us he faith + Eligit Deus quem honum cernit, GOD choefeth whom he feeth to be good.

The Sum of all is this, that there is no decree of damning or faving men, but what is built upon GOD's foreknowledge of the evil and good actions of men. Fulgenti-us is plain for it too: Thofe when GOD forefaw, would die in him, he decreed should live in endless punishment. Even St Auffin and Proffer alto many times let fall such speeches as cannot be reconciled with absolute reprobation.

                                            I will     

         Profper in Epift Aug Prope finem.
          Lib 3        

I will only cite Profper (for St. Auffin speaks in him) who  difeourfing of fome that fall away [a fanctitate ad inmanditiem ] from holinefs to uncleanerfs, faith, they that fall away from holinefs to uncleanerefs, lie not under a necessity of perishing, because they were not predesinate: but therefore they were not predesinate, because they were foreknown to be such by voluntary prevarication. 
And again, in his anfwer to the twelfith objection, he hath there words: GOD hath not withdrawn from any man ability to yield obedience, because he hath not predesinated him: but because he foresaw he would fall from obedince, therefore he hath not predesinated him.
I will shut up my instances of that age, with the judgements of the council at Ales, in the year 490, or therabout. Some of them were these: cursed be he that shall fay, that the man that perisheth, might not have been saved: and again, cursed be the man that shall say, that a vesset of dishonor may not rise to be vesset of honor.

A testimony or two I borrow likewife from fome performs of note, and thole St Austin's followers too, who lived about 400 years after St Austin's time. Remigius, the great patron of Gousechalk, the zealous preacher of absolute reprobation in those times, faith, GOD layth on no man a necessity of pershing, as he hath laid on none a necessity of sinning. And a little after, those whom GOD did foreknow, would live and die in their wichedness, he decreed should pesift, as himself faith, Him which sinneth against me, even him will I slot out of my book.
In the Valentine Synod assembled in favor of Gottschalk, we may find these words: The wicked perish, not because they could not, but because they would not, be good: and by their own fault, original or actual also , remained in the mas of perdition. And in the end of their third canon, they denounce anathema to those that hold, that men are so predesinated to evil, as that they cannot be otherwife. That any should be predesinated to evil by the power of GOD, so as he cannot be otherwife: We do not only not believe, but also if there any that will believe so great as with all.

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