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natural understanding, cultivated by various learning? May not I gain much useful knowledge by a familiar intercourse with him? May I not learn many things from him, and much improve my own understanding?" Undoubtedly you may improve your own understanding, and you may gain much knowledge. But still, if he has not at least the fear of GOD, your loss will be far greater than your gain. For you can hardly avoid decreasing in holiness as much as you increase in knowledge. And if you lose one degree of inward or outward holiness, all the knowledge you gain will be no equivalent.

21. "But his fine and strong understanding improved by education, is not his chief recommendation. He has more valuable qualifications than these: he is remarkably good humoured: he is of a compassionate, humane spirit, and has much generosity in his temper." On these very accounts, if he does not fear GOD, he is infinitely more dangerous. If you converse intimately with a person of this character, you will surely drink into his spirit. It is hardly possible for you to avoid flopping just where he flops. I have found nothing so difficult in all my life, as to converse with men of this kind (good fort of men, as they are commonly called) without being hurt by them. O beware of them! Converse with them just as much as business requires, and no more! Otherwise, (though you do not feel any present harm yet) by flow and imperceptible degrees they will attach you again to earthly things, and damp the life of GOD in your soul.

22. It may be, the persons who are desirous of your acquaintance, though they are not experienced in religion, yet understand it well, so that you frequently reap advantage from their conversation. If this be really the case, (as I have known a few instances of the kind) it seems, you may converse with them only very sparingly and very cautiously. Otherwise you will lose more of your spiritual life, than all the knowledge you gain is worth.

23. "But the persons in question are useful to me, in carrying on my temporal business. Nay, on my occasions, they are necessary to me, so that I could not well carry it on without them." Instances of this kind of frequently occur. And this is doubtless a sufficient reason for having some intercourse, perhaps frequently, with men that do not fear GOD. But even this is by no means a reason for your contracting an intimate acquaintance with them. And you need here take the utmost care, "left even by that converse with them which is necessary, while your fortune in the world increases, the grace of GOD should decrease in your soul." 

24. There may be one more plausible reason given for some intimacy with an unholy man. You may say, "I have been helpful to him. I have assisted him, when he was in trouble. And he remembered it with gratitude. He esteems and loves me, though he does not love GOD. Ought not I then to love him? Ought I not to return love for love? Do not even heathens and publicans so?" I answer, you should certainly return love for love; but it does not follow, that you should have any intimacy with him. That would be at the peril of your foul. Let your love give itself went in constant and fervent prayer: wrestle with GOD for him. But let your love for him not carry you so far, as to weaken, if not destroy your own foul. 
25. "But must I not be intimate with my relations? And that, whether they fear GOD or not? Has not his providence recommended these to me?" Undoubtedly it has: but there are relations, nearer or more distant. The nearest relations are husbands and wives. As these have taken each other; seeing as GOD has joined them together, none can put them asunder: unless in case of adultery; or when the life of one or the other is in imminent danger. Parents are almost as nearly connected with the children. You cannot part with them while they are young: it being your duty, to train them up with all care, in the way wherein they should go. How frequently you should converse with them when they are grown up, is to be determined by christian prudence. This also will determine, how long it is expedient

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