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The preachers find this a convenient half-way house; so they take it in their way out of necessity. How strange it is, that so many will do any thing for the cause of religion, but part with their befetting sin! Here I was met by our brother Hopkins. He brought me that evening to his house, tough it was rather dark before we reached it. Here I found myself locked up in the midst of mountains. So romantic a scene, I think, I never beheld. The wolves, I find, frequently come up to our friend's fences at night, howling in an awful way; and sometimes they seize upon a straying sheep. At a distance was the Blue Ridge, an amazing chain of mountains. I have been for a considerable time climbing up and descending the mountains. I prefer this country to any other part of America: it is so like Wales. And it is far more populous than I expected. On Wednesday the 18th, I preached at brother Hopkins' to a little, loving congregation, and administered the sacrament: and the Lord was with us.
Thursday 19. I preached to a quiet unawakened congregation at brother Tandy Key's who is lately come into that neighbourhood. He told me as we rode together, that he was determined to emancipate his slaves (about twenty.) I pushed on in the evening with intention of reaching his father's Mr. Martin Key's: but at nine o'clock at night was glad to wake up my lodgings at a tavern in a little town called Charleville; more especially as I had dangerous rivers to cross, before I could get to Mr. Key's. Nor am I sorry I did not go there: for when I called there the next morning, I found he had shut his door against the preachers, because he had eighty slaves. For some years I think we preached at his house. His youngest son is a local preacher, and I believe will soon take a larger field. His eldest son is a child of satan like himself, and therefore, I suppose, will have all his possessions when he dies. I drank a little milk here, (it being Friday) and before I went away, freed myself from the blood of the old man, which I evidently perceived, not a little pleased his pious wife. 

Friday 20. I preached at brother Grimes's, where I had many