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TELL me, Silvia, why the sigh
Heaves your bosom? why the tear
Steals unbidden from your eye?
Tell me what you wish or fear?

Providence profusely kind,
Whereso'er you turn your eyes,
Bids you, with a grateful mind,
View a thousand blessing rise.

Round you affluence spreads her stores,
Young health sparkles in your eye,
Tend'rest, kindest friends are yours,
Tell me, Silvia, why you sigh?

'Tis, perhaps, some friendly voice
Softly whispers to your mind,
"Make not these alone your choice,
"Heaven has blessings more refin'd. 

"Thankful own what you enjoy;
"But a changing world like this,
"Where a thousand fears annoy,
"Cannot give you perfect bliss.

"Perfect bliss resides above,
"Far above yon' azure sky;
"Bliss that merits all your love,
"Merits every anxious sigh."

What like this, has earth to give?
O my Silvia, in your breast
Let the admonition live,
Nor on earth desire to rest.

When your bosom breaths a sigh,
Or your eye emits a tear,
Let your wishes rise on high,
Ardent rise to bliss sincere.




On GOD's everlasting Love.

FATHER, whose everlasting love
Thy only Son for sinners gave,
Whose grace to all did freely move,
And sent him down a world to save:

Help us thy mercy to extol,
Immense, unfathom'd, unconfin'd;
To praise the Lamb who died for all,
The general Saviour of mankind.

Thy undistinguishing regard
Was cast on Adam's fallen race:
For all thou hast in Christ prepar'd
Sufficient, sovereign, saving grace.

Jesus hath said, we all shall hope,
Preventing grace for all is free:
"And I, if I be lifted up,
"I will draw all men unto me."

What foul those drawings never know?
With whom hath not thy Spirit strove?
We all must own that GOD is true,
We all may feel that GOD is love.

O all ye ends of earth, behold
The bleeding, all-atoning Lamb!
Look unto him for sinners sold,
Look and be sav'd thro' Jesu's name.

Behold the Lamb of GOD, who takes
The sins of all the world away!
His pity no exception makes;
But all that will receive him, may.

A world he suffer'd to redeem;
For all he hath th' atonement made:
For those that will not come to him
The ransom of his life was paid.




Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 18:12:24 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 16:58:17