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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Nature of offense; Statement of circumstances; Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., &c., |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 7 | Linda Reed (Col'd) | Chas Fowler | Filed Afft against Linda Reed (Col'd) alleging that he was surety for the appearance of the said Linda reed before Criminal Cour. Writ of arrest issued and handed to Sheriff by RD Johnson J.P. |

| Nov 11th | Michael Burk (Col'd) | John Thompson | Charge Stealing blanket from Str St Clair. Defdt committed for trial by Criminal Court by R.D. Johnson J.P. |

| Nov 11th Jack Hammond (Col'd) | Frank Miller (Col'd) | Charge Assault. Defdt waived examination and entered into bonds to keep the Peace (Before R.D. Johnson J.P.) |

| Nov 20 | Robert Young & Bill Jones (Col'd) |   | Charge Stealing a Yawl boat. Jones discharged. Proof being made that Young had the boat in his possession the case was sent to Criminal Court & defdt failing to give bonds was Committed to Jail. (Before R.D. Johnson J.P.) |

| Nov 29 | Frank Proctor (Col'd) |   | Charge Stealing money. Amt proved one dollar. On acct of Youth &c he was fined $8 dollars & costs & case dismissed. Before R.D. Johnson J.P. |