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Civil Actions tried by Sub. Asst. Com'r
[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 2nd | Molly Jackson cold | Isaac Turner (cold) | Breach of promise of aggravating circumstances. Defdt. to pay $50.00 damage. Nov 30 was notified that Isaac had made satisfactory settlement. |
| Nov 2nd | Charlotte Bowlin (cold) | Reuban Dudley (cold) | Defdt, for 2 month loan of lot at $7.00 pr. mo, and wants Dudly to move his house. Defdt. odered to leave the lot in 10 days and pay the money. |
| Nov 2 | Mr Joumay (white) | Chas McGill (cold) | Nonpayt of Debt as ordered Aug. 21. Paid Nov. 8. |
| Nov 2 | Chas McGill (cold) | Frank (cold) | Debt $12.00. Ordered paid by the 17th settled |
| Nov 2 | Taney Edgar (Cold) | Bob Edgar (Cold} | Complains of interference of her former husband (Defdt) Ordered that Bob pay $60.00 in full of all demands, and that they separate |
| Nov 2 | Cornelius Simons (Cold) | Mr Johnson (white) | Claims $15.00 for finding horse & mule. Settled on payt of $4.00 |
| Nov 2 | Margaret Aaron (Cold) | Dennis Aaron (Cold) | Claims that Deft has left her and does not support her as her husband. Dennis ordered to pay her $30.00 and they separate. |