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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 5 | Jas Rivers Cold | D.C. Smith white | Claims payt of note for $51.00. Ordered paid in weekly installments of $10.00. Nov. 6, Recd $5.00. Defdt died in Novr. |
| Nov 6 | Lucy Sterling Cold | Alix Sterling (Cold) | Her Husband keeps her clothing at Houston Ordered that clothing be returned in one week or defdt to go to Jail. Settled. |
| Nov 6 | Frank Wiley Cold | Mr Miller white | Claims $20.00 for hauling sand. Dismissed. Defdt showing note in full |
| Nov 6 | Dick Brittan Cold | Mr N. Ray white | Claims that crop is not divided according to contract. Ordered that Contract be complied with. |
| Nov 12 | Stephen Campbell Cold | Shonas Can (Cold) | Debt for loan $23.50. Settled by payt of $12.00 |
| Nov [[strikethrough]] 12 | Hawkins Wilson [[/strikethrough]] |   |   |
| Nov 12 | Chas McGill Cold | Hawkins Wilson (Cold) | Debt for back hire. To be paid by 21st. Settled |
| Nov 12 | Lavina Washington (Cold) | Ed Creasy white | Debt for sons wages. Defdt did not hire the boy but got him for the U.S. Marshal who is temp. absent. Defdt promises to get the money as soon as the Marshal returns. |
| Nov 13 | Mr W Ford white | Lavina Washington (Cold) | Debt for Rent $23.50. Ordered that money in case of Defdt vs Creasy go towardsthe bill. |

Transcription Notes:
column headings from a previous page