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"State the kind of crops raised and the condition of the same; whether the freed people work for monthly wages or as a portion of the crop and the customary amount of either."

wages from $12 to $15 pr mo- coin, or 1/3 of the crop- Corn & cotton- the first good the last poor. about one third of last year- as a general thing the Freedmen have nothing but a few bushels of corn as the balance left after settling- they however are doing very well for provisions by killing hogs & cattle on the "range"-

"Include in your Report the operations of the State laws as applied to freed people, with special reference to the Apprentice Law, Vagrant Law, and Law regulating labor."

These laws have not been enforced- If allowed, the Bureau orders could not be enforced.

"Report the difficulties you labor under in the performance of your duties and how the same may be remedied."
The tendency of the Bureau is to make the Freedmen careless in his business and improvident regarding the future- looking to the Government- which has freed him to take care of him- The quicker he takes the same chances as the white people the better it will be eventually-

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-08 12:17:03