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[[4 columned table]] 
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Nov. 12, 1867 | Floyd Martin Colored Man | Wm J. Claton White Man | Pltff complained that Def'dt refused to pay him for blacksmith work which he had done for him in 1866. Def'dt alleged that by a verbal agreement bet himself & Pltff he was only bound to pay Pltff ½ the usual price. Neither party was able to prove the contract & it was ordered that the Pltff be paid the usual price for the work done by him for Pltff. No action by courts. |

| Nov. 5, 1867 | Temple Owens Colored Man | W.J. Claton White Man | Pltff complained that Defdt refused to pay him all that was due him at time of settlement for services rendered Defdt. After a fair trail of the case and an allowance of all offsetts decision was given in favor of the Pltff & settlement made by Promsy Note. No action taken by Courts. |

| Nov. [[strikethrough]] 14 [[/strikethrough]] 8th, 1867 | [[strikethrough]] John Allen [[/strikethrough]] Wm Holsey Colored Man | [[strikethrough]] B.B. Brown [[/strikethrough]] W.V. Colloway White Man | Pltff complained that Defdt refused to pay him the wages due him from Defdt, for services rendered him during the year 1867. Defdt appeared before S.A.C. and acknowledged the claim of the Pltff to be just. All offsetts having been allowed the Defdt settled with Pltff by giving him Proms'y Note for the balance due him. No action taken by Courts. |

| Nov. 14, 1867 | John Allen Colored Man | B.B. Brown White Man | Claimed that Defdt had charged him with more lost time than was just & refused to pay him the full amount of wages due him. The testimony in the case was so conflicting & indefinite as not to establish the amount of time lost with any degree of certainty, and the amount of time lost by Pltff was settled by the mutual agreement of both parties & the Defdt settled with Pltff by giving Proms'y Note for the balance due after all offsetts had been allowed. No action taken by Courts |

| Nov. 15, 1867 | Andrew Phillips Colored Man | John Rugely White Man | Pltff complained that Defdt had charged him [[strikethrough]] at the rate of ten dollars [[/strikethrough]] for all lost time at the rate fixed in the State Labor Law. Defdt by his Agent, acknowledged the charges for lost time to have been made as alleged. Action of Defdt set aside & the lost time of Pltff estimated & charged at the rate of his monthly wages. All offsetts were allowed & the Agent of Defdt paid the Pltff the balance due him. No action by courts. |

| Nov. 29, 1867 | Thomas Stevens colored Man | H.L. Laverin White Man | Pltff complained that Defdt had sold him a diseased horse which he warranted to be well and in good order at the time of sale. Pltff failed to prove that the horse was diseased at the time of sale and that the trade was made with warranty. Defdt proved that the horse did not die until two (2) weeks after the sale & that in the meantime the Pltff sold the horse to a third pary. Decision given in favor of Defendant. |

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 13:57:31