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[[7 columned table]]
| NAME OF TEACHER. | Is Teacher Paid by Bureau? | School - where located. | Total Pupils attending day School. | Total Pupils attending night School. | Total Pupils attending Sunday School. | REMARKS. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Margaret A. Henderson | Yes | Wharton Wharton Co. Tex. | 67 | - | - |   |

"Give a statement of the official business transacted during the month; its nature and your method of disposing of the same. State your office hours; the number of days absent from office, if any, and reason for the same."

The business I have transacted during the month has consisted in the trial of a number of civil cases - in the settlement of difficulties arising between the Planters & Freedpeople - in the settlement of difficulties arising among freedpeople in the division of crops between the planters & freedmen, & with the apportionment among the freedpeople of the shares of the crop due them respectively. My method of disposing of business is to summon the complainant & parties complained of, with their witnesses, to appear before me at a certain time - hear the evidence & decide the case according to the evidence & the orders governing me. My office hours are from 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. & from 2.o'c to 5.o'c P.M.

During the month I was absent from my office two days on account of illness, and two days while engaged in dividing crops between Planters & Freedpeople.

" State the number of Troops at your Post and the necessity for the same; whether or not the freed people would be secure if they were removed; in other words will the civil authorities protect them and give them justice; &c. &c."

There are fifteen (15) enlisted men on duty with me and their presence here is required to enable me to enforce my authority. If these men were removed the Freed people would not be secure, for then it would be impossible for me to protect them. The civil officers recently appointed will protect the freed people as far as they are able to do so, but all the old officers have not been removed & at least two (2) Justices of Peace cannot be relied upon to deal justly with the Freed people.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-10 11:18:10