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[[4 columned table}}
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint:  Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1867. November 4" | Not known | G.F.P. Vager Colored | Horse Stealing.  Case was referred to the Grand Jury. |
| November 4" | Not known | Chas. Thompson Colored. | Burglary.  Case was referred to the Grand Jury |
| November 23 | Not known | J. Summerville Colored. | Stealing from a House.  Case was referred to the Grand Jury. |
| November 23 | Not known | C. Nesbit Colored | Having possession of property stolen from a House, gave bond of $200.00 for appearance at District Court. |