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"Report the disposition and feeling of the white people towards the freed people as expressed by words and notions." 
The feeling of the white people towards the freed as expressed by words is "well disposed," and as expressed by actions they are disposed to treat them justly in all business transactions.

"Report the feeling upon the subject of education; what steps have been taken to promote the same; what efforts the freed people are making in that direction and in what manner they may be assisted, etc, etc."
the freed people generally express a desire to have their children educated, no steps had been taken prior to this month to promote education. I have, during the month called on the freedpeople, living in, and near the town of [[Lampases,?]] with reference to the subject of education, and they are now directing their efforts towards building a school-house, but as their numbers in this district is very small, and very much scattered, (being in [[Lampasas?]] County, about sixty, and in Hamilton County about twelve) probably not more than twenty-five scholars can be obtained at and in the neighborhood of the town of [[Lampasas?]]; the freed people will probably be able to contribute ten dollars per month toward the support of a Teacher, it will therefore be neccessary for the Bureau to furnish balance of funds required for teachers salary, and probably one-half of Books required.