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"State the kind of crops raised and the condition of the same; whether the freed people work for monthly wages or a portion of the crop and the customary amount of either."

Cotton is mostly raised in Walker and Polk Counties, and Corn in Madison Co. The cotton crop of Walker Co. is better than was expected. In Polk Co. there was a complete failure, they will hardly raise twenty bales. In Madison County they have raised a very good corn crop. The freedman work for a portion of the crop as a general thing, generally one third.

"Include in your report the operations of the state laws as applied to freed people, with special reference to the apprentice law, vagrant law and law regulating labor."

I have had no cases brought to my notice in regard to the state laws this month, except the law regulating labor which I entirely ignore 

"Report the difficulties you labor under in the performance of your duties and how the same may be remedied."

The only difficulties, which I labor under is, that every civil officer in the Town & County is a rampant, notorious rebel, and they adhere to the old principles of Democracy and slavery with a tenacity that would shame Napoleon. Now upon what grounds were such men elected to office? Simply because they were good rebel soldiers and evinced a great desire to thwart and defeat every effort of the Government, and oppose to