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to the bitter end the action of its officers. Now what can you expect from such a class of Civil Officers? It is not necessary for me to explain to you, for you are, already, too well acquainted with their actions

Now, if this class of disloyal officers were removed, it would not only relieve me of a heavy responsibility and a large amount of work, but would make my position pleasant and agreeable, but as it is, they execute the law with servility, continually try to annoy and harass me, which makes my position unpleasant, disagreeable and burdensome. I have used every means in my power to try and work harmoniously with them; I have executed the laws and orders of my commanding officer with leniency. I have not, to my knowledge, overstepped my authority one particle, and still, in the face of all this, they are as persistent and annoying in their unprincipled and unprecedented acts as they possibly can be

Now, I hope this subject will claim your kind consideration, and I ask that some action be taken on it not only to make my own position pleasant and agreeable but to secure peace and tranquility to the union men of the community

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 08:21:28