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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R., F. and A. L.,
Paras Lamar Co, Texas, December 31st, 1867.

Lieut J. P. Richardson
A. A. A. Gen'l,
Bureau of R., F. and A. L.,
Austin [[strikethrough]] Galveston [[/strikethrough]], Texas:


In compliance with Circular Letter, dated Headquarters, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, Galveston, December 31, 1866, I have the honor to submit the following Report for the month ending December 31st, 1867:

There have been so large a number of Criminal and Civil suits, adjudicated upon, this month as the one precuding.  This Sub-District has been quiet during the past month, with the exception of the excitement, that occurred, on the night of the 17th December 1867, when Col. Griffit, the brother of Rev. Griffith, with a party from Arkansas threatened to take Rev. Griffith out of Jail, kill the guard, and hang me.  I put a guard on the baracks, and a guard of six soldiers and three