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"State the kind of crops raised and the condition of the same; whether the freed people work for monthly wages or a portion of the crops and the customary amount of ethics." 

The crops raised in this section of the State consists principally of corn and cotton; small grain, to some extent, is raised. The freedpeople are working mostly for one third of the crop returns furnished them, or for one half the crop furnishing their own rations.

"Include in your Report the operations of the State laws applied to freed people, with special reference to the Apprentice Law, Vagrant Law and Law regulating labor."
It is almost an impossibility for freed people to obtain justice before a jury in this section of the state, the prejudice is so great. The Apprentice Law has been much abused in as much as freed children have been taken from their parents and held, under color of the law, when the provisions of the law have not been complied with. The Vagrant & Labor Laws, are not enforced.

"Report the difficulties you labor under in the performance of your duties and how the same may be remedied."    

It is frequently, absolutely necessary for me in order to secure justice to freed people to render judgement in their behalf, but it is impossible for me to secure Justice to them unless I have the power to carry the judgement into execution. I would therefore most respectfully ask for instructions on that point!

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 13:07:51