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7 Columns
 NAME OF Teacher| Is Teacher Paid by Bureau? | School-where Located| Total Pupils attending day School. |Total Pupils attending Night School.| Total Pupils attending Sunday School. | REMARKS.

John Ramshay| | Auberville Tex | 19|-|-|The pupils make very fair progress.

 " Give a statement of the official business transacted during the month; its nature and your method of disposing of the same. State your office hours; the number of days absent from office, if any, and reason for the same." 

My business is chiefly in arranging trivial disputes, and making statements. 
My office hours are from three P.M. until sunset, on Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays.

"State the number of Troops at your Post and the necessity for the same; whether or not the freed people would be secure if they were removed, in other words will the civil authorities protect them and them justice; Fc., FC." 

One Company
This County is neither better nor worse than others in the State, away from the Rail roads. 

Transcription Notes:
Not sure if the name of the Teacher is correct. The school location might be transcribed incorrectly.