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|   |   |   | about ten hands worked for wages, and some seventy for one third of the crop. |

| 1867 Dec 26th | Share hands working on Red River in the employ of Dr. J.M. Fort, (col'd) | Dr Joe. M. Fort white. | Settlement, 8 Hands had $112.67 coming to them after settling accounts. 15 Hands and families owed $1310.09, on settlement, after allowing their share in crop to go towards settling accounts. The settlements embraced in most cases for two years, their accounts were a very great deal smaller than in 1866. Their share in the crop amounted to in Dollars $1343.20, which was to be devided among 36 Hands. |

| 1867 Dec 27th | Ann Smith F.W.C. | Mrs. Martha A. Paxton. | Settlement. Dr. to Merchandize $14.90 Cr to 8 mos labour @ $4 per month. Bal due Ann Smith $32.00 Amt Paid &17.10 |

| 1867 Dec 27th | Isam Rochelle F.M.C. | J.D. Battle, White. | Settlement. Dr. to Merchandize $22.76. Dr. to 1 Mule 71.40 $94.16 Cr by 705 lbs cotton of 1867, @11¢ 77.55. Bal due Mr Battle, $16.61. |

| 1867 Dec 19th | R. Griffin, F.M.C. and others. | Dr J.M. Ball. | Settlement Working for one half of the crop as per contract on file at Dist Hd Qrs, One half of supplies furnished came to $1,008.39. Dr.  Cr by one half of crop $778.23. leaving plaintiff, or labourer $230.16 in debt, to be paid among the Hands. |

Transcription Notes:
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