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[[4 Columned Table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., since previous report. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1867 July 6 | Doc Shaffer  Silva Shaffer freedmen | Theopolis Garrard freedman | Theft - Tried by Magistrate & acquitted. |

| Aug 3 | Tom Anderson freedman | L. Roos White | Theft. Tried by Magistrate and acquitted. |

| Sept 10 | Henry Wood white | Charles Mosely freedman | Four complaints. 1st Theft. 2nd Threat to kill. 3rd Stealing & killing a cow. 4th Stealing Hog & Cow. Tried by Magistrate and acquitted on charges 1, 2, & 3. Charge 4 is still awaiting trial. Wood having left for parts unknown. |

| Sept. 26th | James Wilson freedman | Catherine Grimes freedman | Assault & Battery. Tried by Magistrate. fined $10.00 & costs. |

| Sept 30 | Henry Wood white | P.K. Smith white | Stealing. Was arrested. Escaped before trial. |