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[[4 column table]]
| DATE | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c since previous report. |

|   | Allen White (Col.) |   | Was charged with horse stealing in 1866. His case was continued and tried at the December term found a guilty and sentenced to five years in the Penetentiary.

| Jun 14/67 | James Rowe (White) | Sean White (White) |
White was murdered in June last it is supposed by James Rowe who disappeared for some months but was arrested Dec 1867. Rowe's counsel applied for a Writ of Habeas Corpus and Rowe was admitted to bail in the sum of $5000. |

| March 17/67 | R.M. Burrier (White) | John Catchings (White) | Burrier, for whom a reward of 300 dollars was offered by Gov. Throckmorton, was arrested by me on the 26th of August 1867 and turned over to the sheriff of Caldwell Co. A change of venue was given in his case and he was sent to this County for trial. He is charged with the murder and there is also a half dozen indictments against him for horse stealing. His case was continued and he was bonded. |

Transcription Notes:
table headings from previous page