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[[4 column table]]
| DATE | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c since previous report. |

| 1867 March 17 | Baterman Bell (White) | John Catchings (White) | Bell who is indicted for the murder of John Catchings and for six cases of misdemeanor and six of horse stealing had his cases again continued. |

| July 3 | Hisman Roseanky (White) | J. Fuller (White) | Roseanky was to be tried at the December term for the murder of Fuller. The sheriff not being able to find the state witnesses the trial did not come off and on the last day of Court Roseanky disappeared and the Judge declared his bonds forfeited. |

| Aug 30. | Alex Wagner (Col) | F. Smith (White) | Wagner was charged with stealing a hog from Smith, altering its mark. Referred the case to the Civil Authorities, Wagner was tried at the December term of the County Court found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars. |

| Aug 4. | J.A. Gill (White) | William Scott (Col) | Complaint of assault & battery |

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