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Office Sub. Asst. Com Bu R F and A L
Marshall Texas
Feb 18th 1868

Priest Taylor (freedman) being sworn, states that on Monday the 17th Inst, he started to move his family from Mr Campbells to Marshall, when five miles from Campbells he was followed by Mr Chas Downer, who ordered him to halt.  Downer then asked Taylor, where he was going, Taylor told him that he was going home.  He then asked Taylor if he had made a Contract.  Taylor replied no, Downer then said if you do not turn your wagon around and go back with me I will kill you, Downer drew his pistol and pointed it at the freedman, when a woman who was present begged of him not to shoot Taylor.  Downer then forcibly carried off his (Taylors) daughter a girl of 15 years of age.

I certify that the above is the Statement made to me by Taylor

A.G. Malley
1st Lt 35th. Inftry
Sub. Asst. Com