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Office Sub Asst Com Bu R.F and A.L
Marshall Texas
Feb 29th 1868

S Parshalkey, a citizen of the State of New York, having been sworn, states as follows:  I am a pedlar, and was engaged in my business passing along the Tyler road, and when about ten miles from Marshall, I was stopped by Mr Sewall, who keeps a store in that vicinity, who asked to buy some of my goods.  I took some of my goods from my waggon, and carried them to his store.  He then asked me the prices of my goods, and when I told him, he asked me where I had bought them.  I said in New York, whereupon he exclaimed "leave my house" you God damned Yankee," at the same time he caught up a double barrel gun, I rushed out into the yard and claimed the protection of some ladies, as I was unarmed.  At this moment Mr Sewalls father rushed out of the house, and attempted to stab me with a bowie knife, but was prevented by the ladies.  While the ladies were talking with the old man, I made my escape to the woods.  I was forced to leave my goods in the possession of Sewall, amounting to eighty dollars.  I have come to this office for justice, knowing that did I appeal to the civil