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Office Sub Ast Com Bu R.F and A.L
Marshall Texas
Feb 12th 1868

Adam Prestine (freedman) being sworn states as follows, I was at the house of Mac Maken a freedman, in Panola County, when Wm. Bateman, Wm. Weathington, and Vernon (whites), entered and seized Mac Makens wife, threw her upon the floor, and at once proceeded to ravish her.  After having ravished her, and during the time they were at it, they beat her with their pistols

Question? How many of the party ravished her
Answer - All three
Question? When did this occur
Answer - About the 24th of January
Question? Why do you people not report these outrages immediately on their occurrence
Answer - We are afraid, as we are threatened by the whites

Sgd, Adam Prestine his x mark

Sworn and Subscribed before me this 12th Feb 1868

A.G. Malloy
1st Lt 35th Infty

A true copy
A.G. Malloy
1st Lt 35th Iny S.A.C.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure of the letters before the two names (Bateman and Weathington) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-16 14:48:57