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(Give name and Description of Criminals not captured.)

[[3 columned table]]
| Date of complt and summons | Name | Complaint |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 8th 1867 | William Burse | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| May 11th 1867 | Fredk Wicks | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| May 11th 1867 | Martin Day | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| June 7th 1867 | Skinken Weird | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| June 19th 1867 | Green Damons | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| Sept 30th 1867 | James P. Gudsen | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| Oct. 10th 1867 | George Ellis Jr | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| Nov 11th 1867 | Parson Renfrew | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| Dec 16th 1867 | Willis Bass | Assault and battery with intent to kill |
| March 29/67. | Elijah Harrison | Assault and battery with intent to kill |

These men have been summoned to appear at this office, but failed to do so, description not known.

D L Montgomery
Bvt Lt Col USA
Sub Asst Com.