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A fatal affray occured at Millican on the _ ult, resulting in the death of one _ Mc Hue.  The facts are as follows

Mc Hue entered the Store of one Dr _ Webb, using offensive language when Webb ordered him to leave the Store which he refused to do and upon Webbs ejecting him, he Mc Hue obtained a revolver and threatened to kill Webb, both parties commenced firing at each other.  Webbs shot taking affect and killing Mc Hue almost instantly.

On the 2nd ult. near Courtney Grimes Co. Tex., John Muldrew was shot and killed by one Joseph Ashford.  The difficulty occured about a pair of Saddle bags belonging to Muldrew which were misused by Ashford, hot words ensued when Ashford fired at Muldrew with a deringer pistol without effect.  Muldrew drew a bowie knife, commenced cutting Ashford, who immediately drew a revolver and fired killing Muldrew instantly.  Ashford succeeded in making his escape.  No action of Civil authorities had been taken.

On the same day and in the vicinity of Courtney a difficulty arose between Dr _ Lee & _ Wallingford resulting in both parties beeing severely _