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"Report the disposition and feeling of the white people towards the freed people as expressed by words and actions."

The rebels as usual hostile towards the freed people, defrauding them in many instances, as opportunity occurs, often cursed and abused, as unfit to vote, or sit as jurors, - 

Not quite so boisterous, since impeachment of the President. 

"Report the feeling upon the subject of education; what steps have been taken to promote the same; what efforts the freed people are making in that direction and in what manner they may be assisted, &c., &c."

The colored people are much interested in learning to read, - they have built a School house, [[strikethrough]] night School House, [[/strikethrough]] have night school four nights in a week, at present, taught by Angeline Avery colored, who only teaches reading – not further qualified, with this teaching, and the Sabbath School teaching they are making some progress, as much as could be expected. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 14:23:15 changed "defending" to "defrauding" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 19:27:19