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Office Sub Ass't Com-
Bureau R.F. &. A.L.
Kaufman Texas
March 31st 1868

1st Lieu't J P Richardson
26th U.S. Inftry A.A.A. General,
Bureau R.F & A.L.
Austin Texas,

Sir   I have the honor of transmiting to your Office for the first Time in the capacity of Sub Asstnt Commissioner of Burea R.F. &. A.L. for this the 39th Sub District of Texas,  Hopeing that my Report may meet with some respect &.c., as you are well aware that I have not been in office long, and also that our people have just, verged to the point that they must keap order. - or - we have none, Taking into consideration at the same Time we have had order. - and strictly so too while Lieut Lincoln remained here, and I must say too four fifths of the citizens very much dreaded the consequences after his departure from this place. And the question has been asked me by numbers of persons, will we have any more Troops here my reply has invaribly been if the people

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 12:06:09