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will unite and assist the civil Officers in the Execution of the Civil Law: we will nead no more Troops here, and I hope our people are comeing to a sence of there duty,  But it is useless for me to say, that all men will do right or even try to do so.  On the 14th Inst. Holly Kirkpatrick a freed man, made complaint to me that Rutlage Jones and John Martin had Striped him, the freedman and whiped him severly with a whip or cow hide, and he the said Holly Kilpatrick did show to me the stripes uppon his boddy, and he also said that Mr. R Jones was indebted to him for labor done to the amount of $130 

I wrote a notice to the parties to come before me and anseer to the complaint, which notice they failed to obey.  I then called uppon the civil authority.  By having a warrent issued for jones & Martin to appear at the next county court under the charge of Assault & Battry, and also to in a plea of indebedness to the freedman in the sum of $130,  I think now I will be able to make them anseer to the charges, promply.

Some of the men that Lieut Lincoln had run off from this place has come to life since he left with his men.  Two of them rode into town on the evening of the 30th in a considerable rage drue a six shooter on a murchant and would have probably shot the merchant had he not been 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-18 12:20:20