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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., since previous report. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1868 February 16th | J.W. Malone White man | Garret Malone Freedman | Garret Malone f.m.c. who was severely injured on the head in the aggravated assault committed on him by J W Malone the 16th February 1868 has since died of the injuries he then received. The Prisoner the day after the assault was committed was brought up for examination and bound over in the sum of two thousand dollars $2000 to appear at the next term of District Court. When the Death of Garret Malone f.m.c. appeared imminent I used every endeavor to induce Deadrick Prosecuting Attorney of County Court and Judge Hildrup [[strikethrough]] to go [[/strikethrough]] to go down and take his dying declaration which they both declined to do alledging that any declaration the dying man might make would would be set [[strikethrough]] ass [[/strikethrough]] aside by the court. I then went in company with A.D. McLain county Clerk to see if Garret Malone f.m.c. had any statement or declaration to make. On my arrival I found him insensible in which state he continued until his Death. No further action has been taken in this case |