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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Nature of offense; Statement of circumstances; Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., &c., |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Mar. 3 | Gorman, John (white.) | Kiesnick (white.) | Gorman attacked Kiesnick who is a Justice of the Peace, and stabbed him in the side the knife glancing on a rib and so preventing the wound from being dangerous. No action taken by Civil Authorities. Complaint referred to Hd. Qrs. of Austin. A few days afterwards Gorman stabbed another white man in the arm. |

| Mar. 15. | Scobey Wm (White) | Unknown (Colored) | This Scobey a boy of about 14 yrs. old killed the freedmen for disputing his (Scobey's) sister's word. This murder was committed on the Eggleston place, at Ridgeway Prairie about 14 miles from Bastrop. No action taken by the Civil Authorities. |

| Mar 19 | Weaver, James (white) | Knowles, Anthony. (colored.) | This man Weaver who is one of the desperadoes of the County, after having some words with Knowles, who was living with him, beat him with a stick. Knowles started off as Weaver supposed to report him. Weaver |

Transcription Notes:
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