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State of Texas vs H.H. Frost

John Slayton sworn states I never saw anything that occurred  I met Henry Frost up the road  he told me that he had been in a difficulty with Baylass & the damned old scoundrel attempted to fight me - I then went to the house to rake potatoe ridges. When I got there Baylass was just gone & Mr. Frost came riding up directly to where I was inquiring for Baylass  I saw Baylass after he was shot  he was about a quarter of a mile from the house.  

John Slayton  his x mark

Sworn to & subscribed in open Court 29th May 1867
(sd) Jno H. Hand J.P.

State of Texas vs H.H. Frost

A.H. Fabor sworn says that he knowns nothing of the difficulty found the negro lying on the side of the road shot, bound up his wound & came after Doctors Pettus & Thompson to attend upon him & also Doctor W.S. Pettus  the Drs. Pettus examined & dressed the wound. This was in Fort Bend Co.

(sd) Alfred H Faber

Sworn to & subscribed in open Court 29th May 1867
(sd) Jno H. Hand J.P.