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"Make such practical and judicious suggestions as will, in your opinion, render the operations of the Bureau more efficient, reporting such Bureau agents and civil officers as have neglected their duties, &c."

It is imposible for the Bureau to be of much service in this sub-District without some force to act in conjuncture with it, either Military or a well regulated civil force. If a Sub-Asst Com'r in this Sub-District had the authority to select his men he might perhaps get a sufficient number together, - providing there was any money in it - to execute his writs.

Rebels intimidate weak men and freedpeople and aim to kill the strong; they regard a man, who has killed a Freedman or a Union Man and can boast of it, as a Christian. The preachers in the churchs, disseminate the seeds of prejudice, and the members of the churchs will not alllow Union Men to go to heaven with them. L.D. Davis J.P. is doing all he can but what can he alone do in such a community as this.

I am, very respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant, 
De Witt C. Brown
Sub-Assistant Commissioner.