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Report of Criminal Cases

[[8 Columned Table]] 
| Date | County & town | Name of Criminal | Name of person attacked | Nature of Offense | Statement of Circumstances | Action of Courts | Action of Bureau |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

| April 14th | Freestone | Capt Davee, Jas Dunn, John Dunn, Jas Olliver, & others not known  Texans | Mark Walker, J.E Haynes F.M.C. | The FMC were taken from their beds about 2 o'clock a.m. & and was taken to the woods. Mark Walker was wounded in the calf of the leg. Haynes made his escape without injury | They were taken out of bed about 2 Oclock A.M. Haynes escaped Walker was taken to the woods & & seated and a pistol placed against his head at which time he ran off getting a wound in the calf of his leg. | No action by the civil courts | Only reported to Headquarters Freestone County not being in my Sub Dist |
| April 18th | McLennan | Thos Turner  J. Echols & __ Echols Texans | Marion Chapman F.M.C. | Went to Chapman's house & threatened to shoot him | Chapman owed J. Echols $25. Echols &c went to Chapman's about 8 Oclock P.M. & told Chapman that I had ordered him to bring Chapman to me, Echols drew his revolver & cocked it at which tie Chapman ran off. | The Civil Courts took no Action in the case | I sent the Sheriff after the men & fined J. Echols $10 & costs. As the other men had no revolvers and found very satisfactorily to see that they had only accompanied Echols by accident, I let them off by paying Sheriff's costs $7.00 |
| Aril 18th | Falls | Dr. J. Payne Texan | Quincy Taylor F.M.C. | Tried to shoot Taylor | Taylor's children set Dr Payne's hounds on some cattle among which were Dr Payne's. Taylor's dogs were after the cattle too. Taylor had leased a plantation adjoining Dr Payne's. Dr Payne took a shotgun & pursued Taylor Taylor outran Payne & saved himself. Payne then got another gun Taylor thinks it was a rifle. At this time Dr Payne's wife stopped the Dr. | No action taken by the Civil Courts | I issued a warrant for the Dr but owing to bad weather, Payne has not been arrested. I intend to find him about $50 if this statement be correct |