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"Report the disposition and feeling of the white people towards the freed people, as expressed by words and actions."

There is a latent feeling of dislike and bitterness in the disposition of the white people towards the freedmen which nothing but time I apprehend can eradicate and they rather look upon them as drudging machines out of whom it is their duty to make as much as possible than as human beings whom it is their duty to raise and elevate and allow the same rights and priviledges too as they claim for themselves.  In words & expressions they are often fair


"Report the feeling upon the subject of education; what steps have been taken to promote the same; what efforts the freed people are making in that direction, and in what manner they may be assisted, &c."

enough but in their actions they are execrable.

On the subject of education they are not more generous or enlightened.  And in no case that I am aware of since I have been stationed here have they done anything to encourage or support the organization of colored schools.  The freed people themselves are not making any real effort in this direction and they seem to think it utterly hopeless and useless to attempt to organize and support schools when their whole energies are directed to the task of making and saving the crop for this year and in sustaining theirselves and families until such time it is made